“Thanks,” Lewis says when Dad hands him the tool.

Dad gives Lewis a second glance. “Does your old man need a hand?”

“Well, he has me,” Lewis says hesitantly.

Dad dusts his hands. “I’ll come over.”

Lewis exhales. “Thanks, Mr. Green. I’m not really that much help.”

“Can I do anything to help?” I blurt, pulling at my black T-shirt. “I’m already dirty from work, so I don’t mind getting in there.”

Dad grins. “Maybe you can hold a flashlight.”

Lewis smirks. “Saves me a job.”

My heart sinks. He’s not going to ditch because I’m there to help, is he? I’m volunteering so I can be near him.

We walk over to Lewis’s house and Dad goes straight into action. He gets down on the kitchen tiles, helping Mr. Allen with the leaky pipe under the sink.

I wince at the water spilled all over the floor and turn to Lewis. “Where’s your mop?”

Lewis backs out of the kitchen, showing me to the cleaning cupboard by the laundry.

“Thanks,” I say, grabbing the mop. “At least this way I can be useful.”

“Suit yourself,” Lewis says with a yawn. “It looks like they’ve got it covered.”

“They still might need a hand with something.”

“Hopefully not,” Lewis says, dawdling toward the kitchen. “I’m kinda sick of my dad badgering me.”

“Oh. Maybe he’s just stressed about the leak?”

“Yeah, but that’s not my problem. I didn’t bust it.”

A nervous laugh murmurs out of me as I follow him. “I don’t think he’d say you did.”

“I’m just not in the mood today.”

I frown as we stop in the hallway. “Because of you and Yvette?”

“She’s ignoring my texts.”

I gulp. “I’m sorry. That sucks.”

“I don’t even know why we’re fighting. It’s not like I said I didn’t want to be with her.”

“And you still do?”

He throws up his palms. “Of course, I do. She’s freaking gorgeous.”

I hug my middle. “There’s more to relationships than looks.”

Lewis huffs. “I know that. But everyone wants Yvie for her looks. I just want to show her I’m the guy for her.”

I chew my fingernail, feeling every pin prickle of awkward discomfort in the small space.

He told Parker I might be a better girlfriend than her.