I blow out a breath. “It’s a big call.” I bite my lip, eyeing him. “Are you going to be okay with Yvie overreacting to everything?”
“I think it’s cute when she does that. Besides, it’ll prove I’ll make a better boyfriend than him. I don’t get why Lewis doesn’t hold her and ask if she’s okay. I’m certain I’ll be able to calm her down.”
My mouth dries, remembering all the times Parker has done that for me.
Parker’s eyes widen and he’s quick to add, “But I’m sure Lewis will be good to you. He’ll be a better boyfriend because you two will be better suited.”
The way he blurts it out fills me with doubt. “You think?”
“Yeah, becauseyouthink you’re suited. I trust your instincts.”
I smirk. “Except when I say I don’t want to do anything adventurous.”
“I wouldn’t have pushed you if there wasn’t curiosity in your eyes.”
“Maybe that’s why we’re not suited. You see fear as curiosity.”
“No way. It’s not fear. You get scared of people calling you names, or actually getting hurt. But I saw you have fun when you got out of your comfort zone.”
I hug my middle, fighting my bashful smile as we near my door.
“Umm.” He clears his throat. “That’s why you and Lewis will have so much fun. You’ll be ready to dive off cliffs with him.”
“Or, this week will wear him out and he’ll be ready to relax on the sidelines with me.”
Parker chuckles. “Sure. That’s an option too.”
“Well, I have my fingers crossed for you and Yvie. If anyone can calm her down, it’ll be you.”
“Thanks.” He glances back at his car. “You can make an excuse to get out of dinner tomorrow night.”
“No, it’s fine. Besides, it’ll be good practice for you. You’re obviously freaked out about bringing a girl home. If they meet me first, they can get out all their crazy before meeting Yvette.”
He blows out an uneasy breath. “You really want to take on their crazy?”
“How bad could it be? Your family seems pretty normal.”
“Mmm,” he mumbles, slinging his hands in his pockets.
I open the door, and ‘Arnold’s Hits’ echoes through the hallway. I grin at Parker. “Do you have your dancing shoes on?”
Parker frowns, checking his watch. “I gotta get Will home.”
“Uh-oh. My dad will be so disappointed,” I say sarcastically.
“Ah, you’re killing me.” Parker leans against the doorway. “If I don’t cross the threshold, can I skip out on the dance party without tarnishing my rep with your parents?”
I mumble a laugh. “Yes, I’ll let you off the hook.”
He straightens, raising a thumbs up. “You’re the best, Kikki. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I nod, as he backs down the path. “Yes, you will.”
Inside, I pull my hair out of my ponytail and bop my way along the hallway. “I’m home.”
Dad moves out of the back room, toward the kitchen. “Hi honey. How was work?”