Parker groans. “Mom.”
“What? I want to get to know your girlfriend. It’s not a crime.”
I chew my lip, hearing the genuineness in his mother’s voice. I can understand her excitement. My parents have enjoyed having Parker over. It’s been a good stepping stone before I have my real boyfriend.
“Okay,” I blurt. “I can make it tomorrow.”
Parker’s eyebrows push together as his mother cheers through the speakers.
I mouth to Parker, “Practice.”
“Any requests, Kylie?” Mrs. Kelly asks.
“No, thank you. Just let me bring dessert.”
“Splendid! Can’t wait.”
Parker rubs his temples. “Mom, what did you need from the grocery store?”
His mother laughs. “Oh, yes, that’s right. Can you get hot sauce, a head of lettuce, and a can of black beans?”
Parker’s finger hovers over the red icon on the display. “Okay. We’ll be home soon.”
“Thanks, honey,” she replies. “Bye, Kylie.”
Parker ends the call before I get a chance to respond. We turn onto my street, and Parker’s body language stays stiff. When he stops outside my house, I open the door and say goodbye.
Parker opens his door. “I’ll walk you to your door. William, stay in the car.”
“But what about Brandy?” William whines.
“Another time,” Parker says bluntly, getting out of the car.
Parker closes the door and William replies by blowing a raspberry against his passenger window.
I cup a hand over my laughter as Parker rounds the car.
“Before you say it,” Parker says, “no, he’s not cute.”
I hold my thumb and index finger an inch apart. “He’s just a little bit cute.”
Parker smiles, shaking his head as we move away from the curb.
“You know, he could’ve come in to meet my dog.”
Parker shakes his head. “He’ll live. Besides, I’d rather get him home. He gets a little manic when over-stimulated.”
“Oh, okay then.” We wander down my front path and I can’t help glancing next door. “So, Lewis isn’t spending today with Yvie?”
“No. They’re having a break.”
My jaw drops. “A break?”
Parker sucks in a breath. “Sounds dire, doesn’t it?”
“Ah, yeah. Break is the first word in break up.”
Parker pats my back. “Are you ready to pick up the pieces of his shattered heart?”