“Don’t leave me hanging.” Josie twirls her straw through the whipped cream topping. “I only have twenty minutes until my writing workshop at the library. Catch me up on everything that’s been happening with you.”

I rest my elbows on the table. “Well, you know I was going to the lake.”

“Yeah. Kylie Green got adventurous at Logan’s Point. It’s hard to believe it’s non-fictional.”

“I know. We went swimming and it was super daunting. Everyone was doing back flips, trying to dunk each other, and just other chaos.”

“Oof. I made the right call in not going.”

“And then I jumped off a cliff.”

Josie chokes on a mouthful of milkshake. “Excuse me?”

I fiddle with the end of my hair, avoiding her gaze.

“What the heck, Kylie?”

I shrug. “Everyone was doing it.”

“You got peer pressured?”

“Essentially. Parker really wanted me to do it.”

“Since when does Parker Kelly talk you into doing things?”

My teeth graze my bottom lip. “I guess, he’s pretty persuasive.”

“Oh my gosh. Don’t tell me you’re letting his kisses do the talking for you.”

“No. Well...” My mind whirs. “No.”

“So, you just jumped off a cliff?”

“Mm-hmm. It got me the seal of approval from his friends.”

Hope shines in her eyes. “Especially Lewis?”

My posture droops. “Well, he kinda ran to Yvette instead.”

Josie winces. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay. It was a lot easier to deal with than sitting through a double date with Lewis and Yvette.”

“Why are you torturing yourself?” She reaches across and clutches my hand. “Is this really worth hanging around Lewis when he’s with a girl who makes unattainable beauty standards look effortless?”

I swallow hard, urging my stomach to behave. “Parker says it’ll work.”

“I don’t know how you can stomach it.”

“I’ll admit, it’s hard.”

“So, you said on the phone the double date was at Alto Burger.”

“Yep. And the second one was at the fair.”

“No wonder I’ve barely heard from you. You’re running ragged.”

“Mm-hmm. Plus, hanging with Parker’s friends at the skatepark.” I flop my head back and sigh at the ceiling. “I’m beat.”