I roll my eyes and turn into the classroom. “You’re crazy.”
Parker follows, stepping way too close behind me. “Won’t you just hear me out?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I whisper harshly, filing behind my workstation.
Parker places his books on my desk and leans over them as he talks to me. “We can put a stop to what’s happening between them. We just need to work together.”
My brain doesn’t compute. I scrunch my eyes closed, shaking my head.
I open my eyes and stare at this ridiculous boy. “What do you mean, work together? Like, lab partners?”
He smirks. “No. That’s what I’m trying to avoid.”
“Hi, Parker,” Yvette says, placing her books on the desktop. She looks from me to him with a grin. “What are you doing over here?”
Parker smiles. “Just trying to get Kylie’s attention.”
Yvette clasps a hand over her chest and gasps. “Really? How cute!”
I retch, looking between the two of them. “Uh, no. He was just leaving for his own desk.”
I narrow my eyes at him, baffled by his words. Outside, he basically confirmed he’s into Yvette. Why on earth would he suggest he wants to talk to me over her? Worse, I don’t want Yvette telling Lewis that something flirtatious happened between me and Parker. I don’t want Lewis thinking anything could happen between me and any other guy.
I am a one-man woman!
Parker grabs his books and pushes off the desk, maintaining eye contact with me. “I’m leaving, but I want to talk about this later.”
I scoff, shaking my head as he walks over to his desk.
Yvette latches onto my arm, leaning in and whispering, “What was that about? Are you and Parker...?”
“No way!” I reply much too loudly.
She releases my arm and rears back. “Oh, okay. Sorry.”
I slouch on my stool, and flip through my textbook. “Don’t be. I didn’t mean it to come out so harsh.”
“I just thought I was picking up on a vibe.”
“I honestly don’t know why he was over here. I’ve never talked to him before.”
She nudges me playfully. “Maybe he thinks you’re cute.”
I splutter a laugh. “Yeah, right.”
She shrugs. “Why not?”
I shake my head and don’t respond. Hello, Yvette, because you’re in the room. Every boy is absolutely gaga over you, you vapid beauty queen.
Soon, any interest Yvette has in me evaporates when Lewis walks in the lab. She sits tall, grinning and waving as he strides across the aisle.
His smile sends me melting.
And, I hate that it’s aimed at her.
My chest rises and falls in slow motion as he moves toward our desk. I freeze as he leans his elbows on the space in front of me. A citrusy, woody scent wafts off him. I want so badly to curl my arms around his neck and let him take me away. My lids lower for a nano-second, imagining him scooping me up, but then the illusion shatters.