Lewis’s eyes enlarge when he looks at Parker in horror.
Parker recoils. “I didn’t look up her skirt.”
“But I would’ve let him if it meant saving my life.” Yvette shoves Lewis. “How could you just leave me? I could’ve been bitten by a spider, and you didn’t care.”
Lewis stumbles, regaining his balance. “I was already on the ferris wheel. I thought you were behind me.”
Yvette glares at him. “Well, I hope you enjoyed your time with Kylie, because you’re not getting any more time with me.”
My chin drops and I snap my head in Parker’s direction. Did he do it? Did he actually pull off breaking them up?
Lewis sighs, reaching for Yvette. “Yvie, what are you talking about?”
She bumps him off, stomping away from us.
Lewis chases after. “Yvie?”
I can’t close my ajar mouth. As Parker closes the gap between us, I shake my head in disbelief.
Parker steps in close to me. “Are we good?”
I puff a silent laugh. “Umm, yeah. Despite Yvie being over-the-topagain. I can’t believe I rode the ferris wheel with Lewis. It was so romantic.”
“Yeah?” he replies enthusiastically. “Did he put the moves on you?”
I cup a hand over my brow as a goofy smile lifts my cheeks. “Umm.”
“Wait. He did?”
“You don’t have to sound so shocked.”
“No, I’m not. I mean... This is what we wanted to happen. I can’t believe it did.”
“It was just a little flirting,” I reply. “Did things not go to plan with Yvie?”
Parker grits his teeth. “Kinda. We rode the ferris wheel together, but I wouldn’t call it romantic.”
“I figured since she was still complaining about the invisible spider.” I give him an intense side-eye. “Just how handsy did you get with her legs?”
Parker smirks. “A gentleman never tells.”
I laugh. “Gross.”
Parker nudges me. “So, give me the deets on what happened in your pod.”
I rub my lips together, reminiscing about the way Lewis held my stare. “I swear, he was gonna kiss me.”
“What happened?”
I lift my necklace pendant. “He touched my necklace, and when he let it go, we stared into each other’s eyes. It felt the same as when you and I look at each other before we kiss. I don’t know why he didn’t keep leaning in.”
“Oh, I don’t know either.”
I giggle, shying my face away. “And then I touched his thigh.”
“Wow, and you call me handsy.”
“Maybe I’ve been spending too much time with you,” I joke.