Maddy let Jamie andI clock out early because we got help from the boys. To everyone’s surprise, Jamie opted out of coming with us to the skatepark. She and Milo were too wrapped up in each other, excitedly whispering about meeting up with his friends for a rematch in a game they play. Not even Kai could persuade her to stay.
On their skateboards, Kai and Tyler left us in their dust. Parker rode his skateboard, but at a snail’s pace so I could walk beside him. I told him he could go ahead of me, but he said that wouldn’t be a good look.
When we arrive at the skatepark, the boys are chatting with Lewis. Yvette stands off to the side, talking on her phone. As we approach, the boys ride their skateboards toward the obstacles.
Lewis skids his skateboard to a stop in front of us, his camera hanging by the strap over his shoulder. “Hey guys.”
“Hey, we missed you this morning,” Parker replies.
Lewis grins. “I know. There was a bit of a scene at Yvie’s house. I stuck around to smooth things over with her family.”
“You talked with Yvie’s parents?” Parker asks. “I thought they didn’t want to see her with any boys.”
“None of her exes thought to talk to her parents before,” Lewis says. “I think I’m the first guy they’ve met who’s acted like a human being.”
Parker’s jaw flexes. “I guess they didn’t leave a high bar to cross.”
My heart hurts for Parker. He put in such a good effort with my parents, and it was all fake. He surely would’ve impressed Yvie’s parents, but Lewis got in first.
My heart bounces higher, thinking about how it’s just a test run. Sure, my parents like Parker, but they’re gonna love Lewis. It’ll be the same with Yvie’s family.
Lewis sighs out in relief. “Feels so freaking good to get their approval. The rest of spring break would’ve been so tough if we had to keep tiptoeing around her parents.”
“So you spent all morning at their house?”
“Yeah. Talked to her parents for a bit, but then they left me and Yvie alone.” Lewis grins. “That was obviously the best part.”
Parker goes a shade paler. “Totally.”
“I’m sorry I need to sit down,” I murmur. “It was a long shift.”
Parker brushes my hand. “Are you sure?”
I turn away, mumbling. “Very sure.”
There’s a shady tree a few feet away, and I’m in need of its sanctuary. As I flop onto the grass, Parker and Lewis continue to talk. The only thing that could lift my mood would be to see Lewis in action with his camera.
I already feel better just picturing it.
On the other side of the skatepark, Kai and Tyler slide their skateboards against rails and jump over ramps. That is until Tabitha walks across the grass toward them.
Kai speeds on his skateboard, dipping low on his knees to scoop up the bouquet of flowers he brought from the florist on Main Street. When he meets her on the footpath, her hands clasp over her face. Kai then says something, which makes her react with a lot of nodding. Her hands pull around his neck, and she pops a leg behind her as he lifts her up.