I keep my gaze down as I pass them with my stack of dirty dishes.
My ears prick when I hear Tyler ask, “Is Kylie coming?”
I step into the kitchen and fidget by the stainless steel trough sink, confused about how to feel. Last weekend, if I heard Jamie’s friends say my name, I’d assume they were setting up a prank or making a joke about me.
Now, they see me as Parker’s girlfriend. Are they happy about that? Or, do they wish I wasn’t hanging around? I am pretty lame compared to them. Yes, I jumped off the cliff, but they could be rolling their eyes and calling me names behind my back.
My mind rewinds to how annoyed Kai was about the drama between his girlfriend and Yvette. Am I just another hassle for him? For all of them?
“I’ll take it from here, chicky,” Jake says, moving toward the sink. “I’m done with all my orders. You can get back out on the floor.”
I blink hard, taking in the reality around me. “Okay, thanks.”
I move out of the kitchen and spot Jamie and her friends staring at me. Cautiously, I move out from behind the counter to join them.
“We were talking about our camping trip,” Jamie says. “We go every year.”
Kai nudges Parker. “Apparently your boyfriend hasn’t told you about it.”
“First step was getting her to the lake with us,” Parker says defensively. “Besides, you guys didn’t lock down a date for ages.”
“Well we have one now,” Tyler says. “Wednesday night.”
“We’re all going,” Jamie says to me, “you should come too.”
“Oh.” I utter some syllables that don’t make any words, and then clear my throat. “My parents will never greenlight me staying out all night without parental supervision.”
“It’s not just us,” Kai says. “Mine and Tyler’s parents are chaperoning.”
Parker grins. “See, we’ve got it all covered.”
My nerves don’t settle as I pan around the group.
Parker grunts, throwing his arms around me. “Don’t make me beg,” he whines, resting his chin on the top of my head.
“I had to witness Jamie begging Milo to go,” Tyler says flatly. “Don’t make me go through it again.”
“They promise it’ll be fun,” Milo says, almost convincingly.
I move my head to view Parker as he holds me. “Everyone’s going?”
Parker takes the hint, asking Kai, “Lewis and Yvette coming?”
Kai nods. “Lewis said he’d bring her along.”
Jamie groans. “What’s a camping trip without a side of girl drama?”
“As long as Tabby and I get back on the same side,” Kai says, lacking his usual confidence.
My jitters fizzle out as an image of Yvette and Lewis cozied up in front of a roaring campfire fills my mind. There’s no way I’m not getting between that.
I hug Parker back. “Okay. I’ll come.”
Parker sways me in his arms as the group cheers.
“Good choice, Kylie,” Kai says approvingly.
When the others nod along, a thrill of excitement rolls up my spine.