Over Parker’s shoulder, Kai and Milo walk into the café. I stare at the door, expecting the others to follow. When the twins walk further into the café, and the door stays closed, my brain malfunctions with possible scenarios.

Jamie moves up the aisle, fist bumps Kai, and then passes him to throw her arms around Milo.

When Kai reaches us, Parker asks, “Where are the others?”

Kai grunts, rubbing his temples. “Don’t even ask.”

“Problem between Tabby and Yvette?”

Kai exhales hard, nodding.

“I could’ve told you getting those girls in the same place would be a disaster,” Parker says. “Yesterday, the littlest things set them off.”

“Well, I’m trying to fix that,” Kai says bluntly. “I wouldn’t care, but Lewis decided to date Yvie. If our girlfriends can’t stand each other, it makes things awkward.”

Parker pauses, and I see the cogs moving in his head. He’ll need to deal with this issue when he’s dating Yvette. I guess that’s why he’s banking on me and her becoming friends. It’ll make things easier for him and Lewis to continue hanging out.

“So why isn’t Tabby here?” Parker asks.

“Because I didn’t want to fight with her,” Kai says. “We were having a dumb argument about Lewis and Yvette, and she said she wanted some space. She said she’d meet up with us later at the skatepark.”

“Maybe you should show up with flowers?” I suggest

Kai side-eyes me. “That’ll work?”

I grin eagerly. “It would be so romantic.”

“Thanks for the tip,” Kai replies. “Anyway, I left Lewis at Yvette’s house and took Tabby back home after she refused to wait for Yvie.”

“Where was Yvie?” Parker and I ask at once.

Kai lifts his palms questioningly. “Asleep? I dunno. She wasn’t ready, and didn’t seem to want to be quick about it.”

I stifle my laugh.Typical.

“Lewis is at Yvie’s house?” Parker asks through a tight mouth.

“Yep. I guess he’s meeting her parents.”

I whack Parker’s arm. “I thought she wasn’t allowed to be seen with a boy. She said her parents would flip out.”

Kaihumphsa laugh. “Lewis is a puppy. They probably see him as a dream guy compared to the meatheads she usually dates.”

Kai moves over to the others, leaving me to stare dumbfoundedly at Parker.

Parker strains his neck, wincing as he massages his shoulder. “Lewis is meeting her parents.”

My hands pump into fists. “How is this worse? I was hating the thought of her walking in here, but knowing they’re spending time with her family...”

Parker’s too stupefied to finish the sentence for me.

Rendering him speechless amplifies the magnitude of the situation. This boy can talk himself into seeing the positive of any situation. But he’s got nothing.

“Kylie,” Maddy says, walking out from behind the counter. “Can you clear the booths in your section?”

“Oh, yeah, sure,” I say, forcing myself away from Parker.

As I clear away dirty plates, I can’t help watching Parker join the others. Jamie has managed to stay glued to Milo despite the café floor being busy. Parker becomes more animated, getting caught up in Kai and Tyler’s conversation.