“Nothing bad. It’s just...” I huff. “I like Lewis. You know, from next door?”

“Sure, he’s a good kid.” Dad’s brow lowers. “That is, when he’s not driving. He didn’t, did he?”

I nod hurriedly, moving out of the hug. “No, of course not. It’s his girlfriend.”

Dad’s expression softens. “Oh, I see. You two don’t get along?”

I frown, nodding.

Dad brushes back my hair. “Oh, Kikki. I completely understand how this can feel awkward. You want to make nice for the sake of your new boyfriend. I think if you’re honest with Parker about not being comfortable around this girl, you two can find another couple to hang out with.”

How do I tell Dad that Parker is well aware of my feelings without blurting out every aspect of our arrangement?

“Or,” Dad says with a hint of mischief in his eyes, “you two could try going on a date on your own. Just a thought.”

I roll my eyes at the laughter in his tone, and cover with, “Parker likes hanging out with his friends.”

Dad chuckles. “It was just a suggestion. Your mother’s upstairs reading. Maybe you want to knock on the door and get her opinion.”

“I’m just feeling down because Lewis told me he’s bringing his girlfriend to the café tomorrow. It sucks because I’ll be working and can’t avoid them.”

“Maybe they’ll sit in Jamie’s section.”

I nod, feeling a twinge of optimism. “Yeah, hopefully.”

Beep, beep. I check my phone and there’s a new text from Parker.

I kiss Dad on the cheek and tell him I’m heading upstairs. He wishes me a good night, and I move up the hallway.

In the back room, Brandy’s curled up on her dog bed. I detour over to her and scratch her behind the ear, whispering, “Parker says hi.”

She crooks her head and then sneakily licks my jaw.

I recoil, wiping the wet spot with the back of my hand. “Uh, thanks for the kiss, girl.”

As I crouch by Brandy, I open the text message.

“Already missing me?”

Ugh.“Lewis told me he’s taking Yvette. Kai asked him because they’re trying to patch things between her and Tabitha.”

“Crap. Okay, I’ll be there.”

I lower the phone, feeling the slither of optimism growing.

If anyone knows how to get in the middle of this reunion, it’s Parker.