And I didn’t hate it.

Why didn’t I hate it?

Ugh. All I gotta do is keep my head down during English class, then it’s on to chem lab.

How do I even function in chemistry with Parker posing as my boyfriend?

Do I need to act differently?

If Lewis was my boyfriend, I wouldn’t be able to stop staring at him. I’d be waving, sending him love notes, and blowing kisses.

Eep. Do I have to do that with Parker?

No. No way.

I’m not doing anything that will make being with Lewis less special when we’re finally together. All the giddy stuff can wait for the right guy. Besides, I know Parker won’t be able to stop staring at Yvette either.

Ugh. I just want today to be over.

After English, I keep my head down on the way to chemistry.

“Are you trying to ditch me?” Parker asks, jogging to catch up to me.

I keep my head down. “No. Just walking to class as per usual.”

“Remember when Lewis and Yvette walked into class, hand in hand?”

I seize up. “I don’t want to do that.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s not just for Lewis and Yvette to see. It’s the whole freaking class. I’m not doing it.”

Parker groans. “Ugh. Fine. But I’m still walking in with you.”

I shrug, hurrying my pace. “Fine.”

“Do you have to act like you’re running away from me?”

“I’m just going to class.”

I bustle my way into chem lab with Parker’s footsteps hot on my heels. When I get to my workstation, I can’t help glancing over at Yvette cuddled up with Lewis across the aisle.

Parker moves to his table and says, “Can you now see why I didn’t want to swap with you?”

Lewis gives him a confused look.

Parker motions at me. “If I sat with Kylie, I’d get zero work done.”

Lewis laughs, hugging Yvette. “That’s true. We’d probably be in the same boat if we got our way.”

Yvette giggles and moves her way over to our table. “Bye, boys.”

Mr. Thompson has us working on another experiment similar to yesterday’s lab. When Parker and Lewis are chatting, I make my way to the equipment cupboard. Knowing Parker, he’ll probably want to hug me in the aisle or make a big show of carrying my equipment tray. After the horror in the cafeteria, I’ve had my fill of people staring at me.

When I’m back at my workstation, I do my best to ignore Parker as he ogles me across the aisle. As usual, Yvette is useless while we set up our experiment. As I organize all the pieces, she spends her time twirling her hair and waving at Lewis.

At least that comes to an end when Parker joins Lewis with their equipment. While they set up their equipment, Lewis actually pays attention.