“He’s lived next door to you for over a year, and you still haven’t walked to school with him, or taken the same route home.”

“I get driven to school most days because of the café. And sometimes his friends drive him to school.”

Josie clicks her tongue teasingly. “Excuses, excuses.”

“Hey! At least my crush is at the same school.”

“Well, minewasat this school.” She huffs, planting her hands on her hips. “And we got a heck of a lot closer than you and Lewis ever have.”

“Sure, sure,” I tease, opening my locker.

“It would be nice to hear about you and Lewis getting together,” Josie says, leaning against a locker. “Purely so I don’t have to hear about Yvette anymore.”

I snort. “So, my happiness doesn’t factor into it?”

“It doesn’t outweigh the unbearable Yvette gossip.”

I nod, shoving my backpack inside the locker. “It’s an endless cycle every few months. The girl can’t do long term relationships, or be single. It never takes long for the story to turn into who she’s dating next.”

“At least when she’s off the market our ears get a break.”

“But not our eyes when she turns the cafeteria into a make out scene.”

“Eww.” Josie grimaces. “Don’t remind me.”

“Maybe you can’t handle the gossip before class, but how about you feel sorry for me?” I say, hitching my books under my arm. “I’m the one stuck with her as a chemistry partner.”

Josie giggles under her breath. “I don’t know how you got so lucky.”

“I only get through it by staring at my guy.”

“My guy,” Josie teases. “Do you get any work done during chemistry, or do you spend the whole time in fantasyland?”

“As if you don’t ignore your classes and daydream about Wyatt the whole time.”

Josie plays with her dark brunette curls. “At least I knew the real him. I bet not many of those Hollywood types surrounding him can say that.”

When the bell rings overhead, I hug my lovesick friend, unable to determine which one of us is more pathetic, and make my way to class.

My first two classes are a total drag, but now it’s chemistry. On its own, it’s one of my favorite classes. The fact Lewis is there, puts a cherry on top. I enter the science lab, and glance at his workstation. His seat is empty, but his lab partner, Parker Kelly is here. He leans back on his stool, talking with Jared at the table behind him. As I approach, it’s the same conversation I’ve heard all morning.

“Have you heard if anyone’s made a move on Yvette yet?” Jared asks Parker.

Parker smirks. “Why do you think I’m here so early? I’m not missing another opportunity.”

“You better get in line,” Jared says with a hint of laughter.

I sit down at the table across from Parker. Seriously, these boys are all the same.

“Don’t you worry. I have everything figured out this time,” Parker says.

Jared splutters a laugh. I peer over my shoulder to see him leaning over his workstation to nudge Parker. “You’re too late, man.”

Parker’s brow furrows. “Huh?”

Jared nods at the front of the room. “See for yourself.”

At the same time that Parker’s head pivots, I turn toward the front of the classroom.