I can tell he wants to take Yvette to Fratelli’s on a solo date, and I’d much prefer to go to a place where Lewis is actually comfortable.

“Yeah,” I pipe up. “A good burger sounds amazing.”

Lewis smiles and nods, happy I’ve agreed with him.

My heart flutters so hard it might actually lift me off the ground. I mumble a giggle, grounding my shoes against the tiled floor.

Parker slings an arm across my shoulders. “So, we’re on for tomorrow morning?”

“Okay with you?” Lewis asks Yvette.

She smiles, shrugging. “Sure. I don’t care who drives me.”

Of course not. She changes her boyfriend so often, she’s used to random guys driving her around town.

Honestly, what must her parents think?

“Lewy, I have a craving,” Yvette says in a horribly whiny voice, yanking on Lewis’s hand. “Come with me and buy me a candy bar.”

Like a puppy, Lewis follows Yvette to the vending machine on the far wall.

“Wait!” Parker calls through cupped hands. “There’s a box of cakes here.”

When the two don’t answer, Parker looks at the bakery box sitting on the lunch table. It’s empty apart from a few crumbs.

“Oh,” he murmurs. “Dang it.”

“At least they were a hit,” I say nervously.

He gives me an agreeable smile, and then gets back into scheming mode. “Tomorrow, I’ll pick up Yvette first, and I’ll be late to pick up you and Lewis. That way we’ll be in a rush and you and Lewis will have to share the backseat.”

I tap my fingers against my bottom lip, grinning. “You think that’ll work?”

“If you help tell Lewis to get in the back quick. We need to be fast enough so Yvette doesn’t get out of the front seat.”

I clasp my hands in front and rock on the balls of my feet. “I’d love to sit next to Lewis.”

Before Parker can respond, he’s yanked backwards. Kai has him by the collar, and when the two come face to face, Kai is seeing red.

“What gives, Parker?” Kai seethes. “Tabby said she tried to apologize to you and Kylie, and you chewed her out.”

“I was protecting my girlfriend,” Parker fires up. “Just like you’re doing now.”

Kai gestures at me. “I’m not attacking her.”

“No, but you were involved in making her feel uncomfortable,” Parker argues. “If we wanted to kiss in front of everyone, we would’ve done it before saying hello.”

Kai groans, rolling his eyes. “Tabby was coming over to make things right.”

Before Parker gets out another syllable, I slide between the boys. “It’s okay. It was just a misunderstanding. Everything’s cool now.”

Parker rests a hand on my shoulder. “Kylie, I...”

I cut him off. “No, really, everything’s fine. Kai, I’m sorry for how things went down with Tabitha. I really do think she was being genuine. It was just a lot when we kissed. I got overwhelmed with everyone looking at us.”

Kai glances at Parker and then shifts his gaze back at me. “If we’re all hanging out tomorrow, I want things to be easy. I’ve already had to deal with Jamie and Tabby not getting along. I don’t want to go through it again.”

“I’m sure it won’t,” I reply in a rush.