
Four Weeks Later...

Parker and I have beentogether for a month in an official relationship. Well, most people think we’ve been official since that kiss in the cafeteria. We kinda count that first week anyway. Every touch, every kiss, and every truth revealed, brought us to this place.

Absolute bliss.

Tonight, we’re doing something we’ve both been dreading. Dinner with both our parents at Fratelli’s. It’s one of the fanciest restaurants in Victoria Falls. My parents would’ve been happy with Alto Burger, but as Parker says, his parents like to overdo it.

Parker spends a lot of afternoons at our house. For some reason, he really does love my parents. Tess has yet to meet him in person, but they’ve chatted on the phone when my parents have her calls on speakerphone. Parker feels so comfortable with my parents, he’s shared with them about his birth mother. This was huge. He’s been keeping such a big secret for so long, and now he’s letting it out. He’s still not ready to tell his friends, but I’m so proud of the growth he’s shown.

I haven’t spent a lot of time with his family. We’re doing baby steps. But I didn’t want his family to feel excluded, so I nudged Parker to make tonight happen. We both cringe anytime one of our parents threatens to tell an embarrassing baby story.

I roll my eyes and lift my phone as my mom yammers away. I open my message chain with Josie for any latest updates I might’ve missed. Her long term crush and Hollywood celebrity, Wyatt Hayes, is currently in hospital. The rumors online are that he’s suffering from amnesia. It’s blown all our minds, especially Josie’s. When I’m not with Parker, I’m by her side, comforting her as we wait for more news to drop about her special guy.

“Anything yet?” Parker asks beside me.

I place the phone on the table and frown. “Not yet.”

He kisses my cheek. “Josie will be okay. She has you to lean on.”

“Eww,” William complains from across the table. “Can we have one dinner where you two don’t kiss?”

Kurtis then chucks up a wadded piece of bread at Parker.

As the brothers bicker, I sit back and let my eyes wander around the restaurant. I find Yvette having dinner with her family. Her jaw drops at the sight of Parker and I and our respective families. With a screech, she flies off her chair and books it to the bathroom.

As guilt writhes inside me, I excuse myself from the table and make my way to the restaurant bathroom.

“Yvie?” I say softly, approaching her at the sinks.

She grunts, tearing at the paper towel. “Go away.”

“I just wanted to reach out. I haven’t seen much of you at school.”

“Well, loners don’t exactly want to be seen.”

“I’m so sorry your heart got broken over the break,” I say. “But, to be honest, I think you’ll benefit from being single.”

She retches. “You would. You stole both boys who were interested in me.”

“Yvie, you jump from guy to guy, but never figure out who you are as an individual. Don’t you want to feel happy without a boyfriend?”

“If I don’t have a boyfriend, I’m a loser.”

“Who told you that?”

She sniffs and wipes under her nose. “It’s the truth.”

I turn her towards me. “No, it’s not. Why should you let a guy define your self-worth?”

She frowns. “What if I don’t like the person I find?”