I pout. “What if I’m a disappointment?”
“You can’t think like that. Us double dating will be the best plan of action.”
“It’s going to be so hard.”
“Think of the positives. We’ll be the closest people to them because we’ll be with them the entire time they’re dating. When they inevitably break up, we’ll be the first people they run to for a shoulder to cry. It’ll be sweet.”
I recoil. “Sweet?”
Parker huffs, rolling his eyes. “You know what I mean. We’ll be right there for them. Lewis will want to be with you, and Yvette will want to be with me.”
“And it’s that easy?”
Parker shrugs, his optimism unwavering. “They got together out of nowhere. It can happen again.”
“I think it happened because you and Lewis have been drooling over Yvette since she was dating that footballer meathead.”
Parker grins. “Exactly. And if I can get him to drool over you, he’ll want you even more than he wanted Yvette.”
I burst with bashfulness. “No way.”
His eyebrows wiggle. “Trust me. I know my best friend.”
I bite my lip and cautiously nod. “Okay. I’ll trust you.”
“Will you come to Logan's Point with us? If it’s an epic fail, we can call it off.” Queasiness ripples through Parker’s expression. “I just really don’t want to see my best friend and the girl I like cozying up together. I’d like to pull them apart any chance I get.”
“I feel like I’m joining you purely to annoy Lewis.”
He chucks my chin. “I’ll just show him a better girl.”
Something about that makes me feel icky. Clearly, I’m not the better girl. Parker’s using me to get the better girl.
“Are you okay?” He takes a step back. “Looks like you’re about to hurl.”
I shake my head. “I’m good.”
Who cares if he’s using me? The deal is, I get to use him to get the better guy.
I hold out my hand. “We’ve got a deal.”
“Sweet.” He lifts his hand, but hesitates on clutching mine. “Can we stipulate how long we do this? I know I just said you could throw in the towel after one day at Logan’s Point, but I really don’t want it to be over that soon.”
“Me neither.” And I mean it. “I want Lewis.”
He lifts his hand higher. “So, are we in it until we break them up?”
I latch onto his hand. “Yes. Until they break up.”
He eagerly shakes my hand. “You got it, Green. But can we add one more thing to this deal?”
“What’s that?”
“No one can know this relationship is fake.”
“No one?” I try to pull my hand back, but his grip on me is tight. “I can’t lie to Josie.”
“This could all unravel if anyone finds out.”