“I need the bathroom,” I blurt.
He flinches from the abruptness, dropping his arms from around me. “Okay. I’ll show you where it’s set up at the back of the campsite.”
I pace away from him. “It’s cool. I’ll find it.”
Before he can follow, I make my way behind the line of tents. With my head down, I scurry toward two tall and slim canvas tents, standing a few feet away from the rest. One is for the camp shower, the other is the camp toilet.
I close myself inside the toilet stall just as my eyes pool with water. I sit on the closed lid of the camp toilet as my throat clogs with ugly sobs. My palms press against my eyelids in an attempt to stop the tears.
How can he do this to me? He can’t keep telling me how much he wants Yvie, and then act like he wants to kiss me again. It’s not fair.
Last night replays over and over in my mind. The kisses under the twinkle lights that were just for us and not for show.
I smear the tears under my eyes and scrunch my hands into my hair. Gritting my teeth as I hunch forward, I force the sobs into submission. Maybe I’m just imagining that Parker wants to kiss me. I’m just so confused about my feelings for him, as well as the history of emotions I have for Lewis. Let’s face it, I’m good at conjuring illusions.
I pull at the toilet paper and wipe my eyes. I realize I’m mostly afraid of being alone at the end of spring break. I’ve already experienced the turmoil of Lewis not wanting me. And when this scheme ends, I’ll lose Parker. Even if it’s fake, even if it’s not romantic, I enjoy being around him. When he becomes Yvie’s boyfriend, I know she won’t want me around him.
I slump forward with a huff. It’s what makes me the most sad. The notion of losing someone who I never expected to bond with.
After a very shaky exhale, I stand and exit the makeshift bathroom.
“Whoa,” Tabitha blurts, standing in front of me. “Kylie, what’s wrong?”
I hurriedly pat my face dry and fake a smile. “Nothing. Just a bad case of allergies.”
Her forehead creases as she frowns. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’m just a homebody. Nature is getting to me.”
“So, you and Parker weren’t arguing?” Her tone implies she knows something.
“Arguing?” My tone couldn’t lack less assertion.
She gestures behind her. Kai and I heard some raised voices. We didn’t know if you were fighting or not?”
I fidget in my stance. “You didn’t hear what we said?”
She shakes her head. “We weren’t that close. But the vibe felt off.”
“We did argue about something,” I admit, “but we’re not fighting. Believe me, Parker and I are cool.”
She winces as she tilts her head. “So, you weren’t crying?”
I blow out a breath and fake a laugh. “No. Oh my gosh, I’m on a trip with my boyfriend. Why would I be crying?”
Tabitha smiles. “Okay. If everything’s chill, I’ll stop questioning you.”
I grin. “Everything’s chill.”
“Well, in that case, can I get past you? I really need the bathroom.”
“Oh, sure,” I squeak, happy to end this conversation.
“Everyone’s moving down to the lake to toss the frisbee around,” she says, stepping into the tall, slim tent. “I think they’re also setting up the volleyball net.”
“Of course they are,” I mutter under my breath. Not only am I camping, but I’m camping with a bunch of sporty people. “Okay, Tabby, see you over there.”
I leave Tabitha in privacy and make my way through the campsite and toward the lake.