“When he came to my house on Sunday, I thought things were different,” she says. “He waited all morning to see me. Even my parents relaxed after talking to him. We hung out and watched TV, and I thought it’d be super cute and romantic. But he just scrolled on his phone and didn’t say much. He didn’t even have his arm around me.”
“Maybe he was nervous?”
“Honestly, he seemed bored. It was like if his friends weren’t around to see us together, he didn’t want to put any effort in. When I hung out with Parker, it was a completely different story.”
My stomach flips. “How so?”
“Umm, he actually listened,” Yvette says dryly. “And it was nice to have eye contact while his arms were around me. Shouldn’t that be how my boyfriend acts?”
As far as Yvette’s aware, Parker is my boyfriend. Does she really think it’s okay to tell me my boyfriend had his arms around her?
“Communication just comes easier to Parker,” I reply. “Lewis can be really sweet.”
Yvette huffs. “Yeah, right.”
“Well, the times Lewis and I have hugged, we’ve made a lot of eye contact. I also felt like he was listening to me.”
Yvette glares at me. “How many times have you hugged my boyfriend?”
I flinch. “Just a few. He was mostly upset about being apart from you.”
“So he just went running to you?”
“Didn’t you do the same thing when you asked Parker to meet up?”
She rolls her eyes, turning away from me. “Whatever.”
“Didn’t you say you wanted to clear the air?” I ask, sitting forward with growing confidence. “How exactly is this helping?”
Her eyes roll again, and she faces me. “I just didn’t want you to think I’d been making out with your boyfriend behind your back.”
I retch as something flies up from my stomach and hits the back of my throat. I swallow hard, wincing. “I didn’t think that. Why would you say that?”
She deadpans me. “Because, obviously, I’ve been picturing you and Lewis doing that since the night of the fair.”
My face screws up. “Why?”
“Because I spent that day with him and he was bored out of his mind. You and Parker turn up, and suddenly he’s full of life again.” She groans. “And then he had this smug look on his face after leaving the ferris wheel with you. I watched him put in all this care to make sure your eye was okay. He barely cared enough to give me eye contact. Ugh. It was the last straw.”
“It can’t have been the last straw. You’re still with him. Aren’t you?”
“Lewis and I haven’t been hanging out. I’ve been spending too much time with Parker. The only times I’ve seen Lewis, he’s been miserable about not seeing you. Like, too grumpy to be nice to me. Whatever you think has been going on, has been in your head.”
I don’t know why I’m trying to make her feel better. I want her and Lewis to break up. I don’t think they’re good together. But if that happens, she and Parker will get together. And the thought of that... I can’t. I just can’t stand the thought of it.
Yvette stares at me hard. When she finally blinks, she lets out a loud sigh. She leans forward and flings her arms around me. “You’re not messing with me? You haven’t been getting between us?”
How am I supposed to answer that? I want to say no, because I haven’t kissed him. But getting between them? That’s a big, fat yes.
Yvette squeezes me tighter, squishing my head against her shoulder. “Seriously, you’re not stealing my boyfriend, are you? We’re friends, right?”
“Umm... I...”
A shattered sigh rolls out of her. “Oh, I’m sorry, Kylie,” she whimpers. “I wanted to be with Parker to make you jealous. And to make Lewis jealous, of course, but... Oh, I really wanted to hurt you.”