“Yvie, you know I’d much rather hold your hands. I’m just trying to help.”
It’s nothing compared to what you just did to my boyfriend.
Oh, geez, I’m glad that didn’t come out of my mouth.
What is happening? Why am I getting so protective over Parker? We’re literally in the positions we’ve both been dreaming about.
The boys rush through, connecting the flexible poles to the bottom fasteners. Once all four ends are connected, I meet Lewis’s eyes and he winks.
As if we pinged on Yvette’s radar, she lets out a squeaky grunt.
Lewis gulps and turns to her.
“Just admit it,” Yvette says, stomping her foot against the dirt. “You’d rather be with Kylie.”
“What?” it puffs out of me with shock.
Lewis moves away from me, hurrying toward her. “Why do you think that? Can’t you see I’m crazy about you?”
Her eyes narrow. “I’ve seen you watch her when she’s with Parker.”
He watches me?
“Only because I couldn’t work out why they were together.” Lewis takes hold of her hands. “Doesn’t change the fact that you’re the girl I want.”
Yvette shakes her head, backing away. “Why don’t I believe you?”
Lewis points at Parker. “Ask him. We’ve been competing to get your attention since your last three boyfriends.”
Yvette looks at Parker. “You liked me too?”
“Ahhh...Ahhh...” Parker stammers.
Yvette clicks her tongue, frowning. “Just another story, Lewis. Stop pretending it’s not Kylie you’re both competing over.”
“Yvie, you’re talking crazy,” Lewis says, following as she backs away.
“Crazy?” Her eyes water. “You promised you wouldn’t be like my exes. But, here you are, calling me crazy, just like them.”
“Yvie,” Lewis yelps as Yvette runs from the campsite.
He calls after her again, chasing her into the mess of bushes by the hiking trail.
“Holy cow,” Parker murmurs, moving closer to me.
I stumble backwards. “I don’t think I can do this.”
He reaches for me. “Can’t do what?”
I recoil from him. “I hate being used in their arguments. I hate not knowing if my feelings are wrong.”
I blink the water from my eyes and stare up at him.
Most of all, I hate that I don’t know how I feel about him.
“It’s almost over,” he whispers.