“Only ten minutes,” Tabitha answers.
“Okay kids, let’s set up the tents before we do anything else,” Kai’s dad says. “I want boys over this side, and girls on the other side. That’s right, the parents will be in the middle.”
“You think that’s going to stop your son?” Tyler jokes, carrying a duffle bag.
Mr. Nelson raises an eyebrow. “Which son?”
Hearing the comments, Jamie and Milo emerge from behind an SUV.
Tyler sniggers. “Either one.”
“You’re just jealous, Ty,” Kai says, moving toward the back of his parent’s SUV.
“Oh, sure,” Tyler says, dumping his duffle bag in the tent area. “I’m dying to have my parents spy on me when I’m making out with my girlfriend.”
“Ugh,” his mother revolts. “I would never want to spy on you.”
“You don’t have to worry about that,” Jamie cuts in. “Ty’s girlfriend is imaginary.”
“Kylie’s best friend is single,” Parker adds, teasing Tyler. “We could put in a good word for you.”
I stifle a laugh, knowing how mortified Josie would be if she knew she was brought up in this conversation.
Tyler groans, rolling his eyes. “Guys, if I wanted a girlfriend, I’d have a girlfriend.”
Kai chucks another bag at Tyler. “You know the rules. You give someone crap, you get it back.”
“Ha ha,” Tyler mumbles, unzipping the bags with the tent supplies inside.
I help carry bags from Parker’s car, and to my surprise, Lewis stops me and takes the bags.
“Oh, thank you,” I say, blushing from the gentlemanly act.
“No sweat,” Lewis says with a grin. “They looked heavy.”
As I take in the smile lines on his face, and glimpse his baby blues, I get a flash of the night after the fair.
The moment we almost kissed.
Our second almost kiss.
“You okay?” he whispers.
“Mm-hmm.” I nod, moving out of the way so he can carry the bags over to the girls’ section.
“What happened?” Parker asks, moving beside me.
I jolt as my thoughts dissolve around me. “Huh? Nothing.”
Parker smiles. “Okay?”
I awkwardly fiddle with the hair near my face. “Umm, Yvie’s on her way here. You mentioned breaking up. Did you want to do that because she and Lewis have been on a break?”
Parker’s eyes widen. “You want to break up?”
“No,” I blurt. I then cough and cover with, “I mean, I don’t want to hold you back.”
“Umm,” he stammers. “Maybe we should see how things play out when she gets here. Unless you don’t want to?”