Behind me, Lewis retches. “Dude, why do you keep listening to this band? I’m so sick of them.”
My smile flips into a frown, and I catch a flex in Parker’s jaw as he winces.
I turn in my seat and ask Lewis, “You don’t like this band?”
Lewis shrugs. “They’re okay. I only listen to them when Parker controls the music.”
I turn around and eye Parker. “Was it your phone I saw that day in the café?”
Lewis laughs. “Don’t tell me you like this band too, Kylie?”
“She does,” Parker replies, eyeing his friend in the rearview mirror. “Because she’s cool.”
“Oh, man. Have you two been bonding over this lame band?”
Ouch. My heart.
Parker’s hand sneaks across the center console and grasps mine. I look up and find him smiling.
“We’ve bonded over more than that,” Parker says. “It was just the cherry on top.”
My limp hand is secure in his. Memories of yesterday flash in my mind. Parker and I, sitting at my kitchen table, bobbing to the latest Frontier Leaders’ album. It was one of the best moments of the entire spring break.
Besides kissing outside the ice-creamery.
I smile back, interlacing my fingers with his.
When we arrive at the campsite, there are already three cars parked.
“Who’s car is that?” I ask, gesturing at the SUV with a speed boat hooked up to the back.
“That’s Tyler’s parents,” Parker replies. “They bring the boat every year. Are you into water skiing?”
My eyes bug. “Water skiing? That’s a big yikes.”
Parker smirks. “Yikes isn’t a no.”
“It’s past a no,” I say, getting out of the car. “It’s past heck no.”
Parker laughs, rounding the car to meet me. “I bet I can coax you onto the skis.”
Instinctively, I back away. “No way.”
“Relax, Green. They haven’t even gotten the boat onto the water yet.”
“Hi guys,” Kai says, walking over to us. “Where’s Yvie?”
Tabitha follows, looking hopeful Yvette won’t show up.
“Her brother’s driving her out,” Lewis says.
“Did you two make up?” Kai asks.
“We’re on the way,” Lewis replies.
“Have you guys been here long?” Parker asks.