He smiles and angles his head. “With pleasure.”

This time, my toes curl so tightly I can’t stand on tippy toes. Parker notices me struggling, and leans me against the railing without breaking away from the kiss. He leans over me, kissing as I’m supported by the rails. I squeeze his shoulder as my world is rocked and accidently bite into his bottom lip.

He pulls back with a laugh. “What was that?”

“Oops. Sorry. I got caught up.”

“Don’t be sorry,” he says, kissing my nose. “I was into it.”

I press on the back of his neck, pulling him back into the kiss. I don’t know what this means. I don’t know if I’m setting myself up for heartbreak when tomorrow I watch him getting Yvette’s attention. And I don’t know why I don’t care.

Right now, kissing Parker is bliss.

I feel wanted.

I feel validated.

I feel safe.

Who cares what tomorrow brings, because nothing can take away what is happening tonight.

After a considerable head rush, Parker takes me home. We hold hands for the entire drive.

“Thank you for listening to me tonight,” Parker says, walking me to my door. “Despite the drama at my house, I had so much fun hanging out with you.”

“Tonight was incredible,” I reply, stepping onto my front porch. “I’ll always be here to listen to you. I’m so glad I know you better.”

He smiles and caresses the side of my face. “You’re the only one that does, Kikki.”

I rub my lips together and lean in for one more firework-inspiring kiss. As my head tilts for maximum enjoyment, the front door opens.

“Okay, kids,” my dad says. “Time to call it a night.”

We break apart and my face burns tomato red as I brush a hand over my wet lips.

Parker scratches the back of his head, looking sheepishly at my dad. “Ah, hi, Mr. Green. We were just saying good night.”

“Uh-huh,” Dad says, crooking an eyebrow. “It’s nice to see you two are so infatuated with each other, but let’s keep it PG. Okay?”

My face is at molten lava level. “Okay, I’m officially mortified.” I clutch Parker’s hand and give it a gentle squeeze. “Thanks for tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“I’ll text you when I’m ready to pick you up.” He pecks my cheek. “Good night, Kylie.”

I release his hand and my dad steps out of the doorway to let me inside.

“Good night, Parker,” Dad says with a wry smile.

“Good night, Mr. Green.” Parker waves and moves down the path toward his car.

I move inside, and hurry along the hallway so I don’t make eye contact with my dad.

“How was your evening, Kikki?” Mom calls out.

I hurry up the staircase. “Good, thanks. I just need a shower.”

Never have I needed to cool off faster.