I busy myself by following the experiment instructions. “Uh, I really didn’t know what he was saying.”

“Oh my gosh,” she gushes. “You’re smitten, aren’t you?”

Yeah, but just not with the guy you think.

It’s a sweet relief when class is finally over. I managed to breeze through the experiment and quickly scribble down my findings before the final school bell rings. I needed to get out of the lab before Parker could talk to me again.

I let Yvette copy down my notes while I cleaned the test tubes and beakers. Parker made one more attempt to get close to me at the equipment cupboard, but I made a quick getaway.

I was out the front of school as soon as Mom’s car pulled up.

“You’re out early,” Mom beams. “I thought you liked to stay back after chemistry.”

“The experiment was too easy. I finished early.”

“You’re getting too smart for your own good, Kikki.”

“Uh, Mom, can we get going?” I ask, keeping an eye out the window for incoming Parkers.

“In a rush to get to work?” Mom jokes, pulling off the curb.

“Something like that.”

Not that work is actually an escape from Parker Kelly. He and Lewis are in the same friend group as my boss’s niece, Jamie. She doesn’t work everyday at the café, but she usually pops in during the afternoons. It’s a coin flip if her friends join her or not.

My stomach twists.

I really hope Parker doesn’t come into the café. He was so determined during class. I really hope something better has distracted him and he forgets all about me and his wacky plans. Their friend group will probably be at the skatepark. It’s a few blocks away from Main Street, where I work, and it’s where I’ve seen Lewis take his macro photographs of nature.

I can’t believe Lewis actually likes skateboarding. He totally has to be there for the photo ops. On weekends when I’ve watched them, I imagine Lewis ditching his board and walking over to me. We sit under a shady tree, enjoying the birds chirping and the softness of the grass, and cuddle together. By watching how patient and still he is with his photography, I can just tell he’d be into being quiet with me.

Initially, the café is bustling. By the time I’m able to look at a clock, my shift is drawing to an end.

I wipe my brow after taking a load of dirty dishes into the kitchen.

Phew. I made it. No Parker Kelly sightings.

“Hey baby,” I hear Maddy say when the front door opens.

Oh no. That means Jamie has walked in.

I force my body to stay calm.

Silver lining. Lewis might be here.

I perk up and move out of the kitchen. As I move out from behind the counter, I pan across the boys entering the café behind Jamie. Gloom hunches me over when Lewis isn’t part of the group.

The door closes behind the final boy. Parker. Heat prickles at my cheeks when his eyes fix in my direction.

Why must he keep staring at me?

I’ll keel over if he tries talking to me about Yvette and Lewis again. I don’t want any of his friends hearing us and thinking I’m interested in him. If they mention anything to Lewis it’ll ruin everything.

Jamie moves behind the counter with her aunt and they work on making milkshakes for the group. As the boys chat, I keep my head down and take cleaning products to my section.

It feels like an eternity before the milkshake machines stop buzzing.

Finally, their group is loaded with their orders, and ready to head back out.