Parker nudges me. “He also said, Yvie left him in such a bad mood last night, but after talking to you, he felt so much better.”
I clasp my hands over my chest and rise on the balls of my feet. “He said that?”
“You texted me that you left him with a smile on his face.”
I squeal in delight.
“That’s not the best part.”
I plant my hands on the counter for support.
“Lewis said you seem much more chill.” Parker grins, holding back a laugh. “I tried so hard not to laugh, because of how much I’ve witnessed you panic.”
I deadpan him. “This is the best part?”
He waves his hands, swallowing his budding laughter. “No, he said you seemed like a more relaxed girlfriend. He told me, when he got to Yvie first, he thought he’d won. But now, he’s not so sure.”
I almost slip against the counter. “What does that mean?”
“I think it means I won, because I have you.”
I tap my chest. “Does Lewis want me?”
Parker shrugs. “He’s been thinking about you.”
“Whoa. This is big. I knew there was something romantic behind him wanting to take photos in my kitchen.”
Parker flinches. “Take photos of what?”
“My baking. Macro shots.”
“Oh, okay. I thought maybe he wanted you to model.”
I wince at him. “Why would your mind go there?”
Parker shrugs. “I don’t know, because he was rambling about you. He kept talking about how you’re more adventurous. Like, you’re a better fit for our group than Yvie.”
“Wait, he wants me to be this active person?” I say with doubt demolishing my excitement. “Someone always ready for an adventure?”
“Yeah. You can do that.”
“No, I can’t. You know how much I hesitate.”
“That’s why you’re practicing with me. You won’t hesitate with him.”
“I’m just doing this stuff to get him to notice me. My goal is for him to want to slow down with me. At least, that’s how I always pictured it happening for us.”
Parker shrugs. “Just be this active person for this week and keep his attention. Once you’re together, I’m sure he’ll be happy to slow down with you.”
My stomach sloshes with doubt. “Do you think so?”
“Sure. He’s already thinking of you as more than the girl next door. You have him on the hook.”
I sigh. “I just don’t want to lead him into thinking I’m something I’m not.”
“It’s not like you’ve completely changed your personality because you’ve gotten more adventurous. Besides, I’ve gotten to know you while we’ve hung out. You’re cool, and I find myself slowing down just because I like being around you.”
Tingles run down my arms. “Really?”