I move back to my table and organize my equipment. It doesn’t matter if Yvette takes ages to get back over here. I’ll be working on my own no matter where she sits.

Parker puts his equipment down at his table, and I can’t help watching from the corner of my eye.

He nudges toward the front of the class, and says to Yvette and Lewis, “Mr. Thompson isn’t paying attention. Why don’t you two work together?”

“Are you serious?” Lewis asks.

Parker shrugs, backing away from the table. “Go for it. I’ll work with Kylie.”

Every molecule in my body malfunctions. I want to close my mouth, but my shock won’t allow me to move.

Parker slides behind me and plonks down on Yvette’s stool. “Hi again.”

With rampant force, my heart pounds into action. “What are you doing?”

“I told you. I want to talk.”

I nod my head toward Lewis’s table. “You said you’d stop them from getting closer, but you just did the opposite.”

“One class won’t hurt. Besides, when Mr. Thompson finally wakes up, he’ll make Yvette and I switch back. I just need a few minutes to make my pitch.”

I rearrange my equipment for the experiment. “Look, I don’t have time for games. I just want to get started with this class.”

“Well, let me help you while we talk,” Parker says, swiping the vial of sulfuric acid.

“I don’t want your help, and I don’t want to talk.”

“If you at least act like you like me, I can get you closer to Lewis.”

I rub my temples. “Why are you saying this stuff?”

He leans in, lowering his voice. “Because I want to be with Yvette. If we act like a couple, we can hang out and get between them on their dates.”

The wind is knocked out of me. I tap my chest, coughing. “Act like a couple?” I whisper, hoarsely. “Yeah, you are crazy.”

“It’ll work. We have to try.”

“Look, can you just go back to your table?” I whine. “This is my favorite class, and I don’t need you ruining it.”

“Wouldn’t it be even better if Lewis wasyourlab partner?” he asks, making a final plea.

I blink at him, taking a moment to imagine Lewis and I at the same workstation after spring break.

“Parker Kelly,” Mr. Thompson calls from his desk. “Back to your station, please.”

Parker slides off the stool, standing too close for comfort. “Are you sure I can’t drive you to work?”

I shiver, wishing he’d step back. “My mom is picking me up from school.”

He nods, and moves behind me and toward his desk. Unfortunately, I take in Lewis’s desk just in time to witness Yvette kissing his cheek.


Yvette feigns embarrassment as she sits beside me. “Sorry about that. Did you have fun chatting with Parker?”


“He seems into you. Or am I reading it wrong?”