Air puffs out of her in surprise. “Wow. Is he a good kisser?”
I rub my lips together. “The kisses are good. He keeps saying I’m good at kissing.”
Josie tilts her head, her smile growing. “Wow. You look so happy.”
It takes me by surprise. “Huh?”
“When you talked about kissing Parker, your tiredness went away. It’s like he lights you up.”
I cup a hand over my face. “Oh. Really?”
Josie sighs. “Dang. Your poor heart.”
“My heart is fine.”
“You enjoy kissing Parker while being hung up on Lewis.”
“I want Lewis, not Parker.”
“And he still wants Yvette?”
“I think you’re both torturing yourselves. You’ve intensified your crushes to the point you’re just picking at scabs.”
“We’re not.” I huff, too tired to explain this. “This is working for us.”
Josie purses her lips and shakes her head. “It’s not healthy.”
I fall into a hunch, picking at my fingernails. “It won’t last much longer.”
Josie reaches across and clutches my hand. “I hope not.”
The door opens with a chime, and Josie chuckles as she watches who walks in. “What great timing. Now, I get both sides of the story.”
I look over and instantly feel a twinge of pain between my shoulder blades. Parker walks into the café with his little brother, William.
“There goes that light in your eyes again,” Josie says, her shoulders bobbing in a silent laugh.
“You look like you wanna run over to him.” Josie turns in her chair, waving. “Parker! Over here!”
“Josie,” I whisper, kicking her chair.
Parker waves back, steering his little brother toward the table.
“But I want a milkshake,” William whines as Parker pushes him forward.
“We’re literally walking over to a waitress,” Parker says. He then tilts his head to meet my eyes. “Hi, girlfriend.”
Josie sniggers, scrutinizing my reaction.
Ugh. I can’t deal with this right now.
I get up and motion to my empty seat. “William, you can take my seat and I’ll take your order. I need to talk to your brother.”
“Huh?” William double takes at me. “You’re Parker’s girlfriend?”