Parker huffs, looking up at the stars. “Ugh. Okay, you’re right.”
“Plus, his parents are chaperoning. He could derail the whole trip by telling his family it’s off.”
He looks down at me with a defeated half-smile. “Okay, you’ve made your point.”
Lewis strolls over to us, hands slung in pockets, and alone.
“Hey man,” Parker says, handing me back the bunny. “Where’s Yvie?”
“Yvie called her older brother to take her home.”
Parker cranes his neck, looking for her. “I could give her a ride home.”
“She doesn’t want to get in the same car as me, and I was hoping to get a ride home with you.”
Parker pats Lewis's shoulder. “Of course, bro. I’ve always got your back.”
My stomach twists as shame writhes inside me. Parker is comforting his best friend after having a hand in putting him in this miserable situation.
My hands are dirty too.
We shouldn’t be doing this to him. He’s Parker’s friend, and he’s my longest ever crush. We should care more about him. There has to be a better way of breaking him up with this horrible girl.
Maybe I should say something? Tell him, point blank, she’s no good for him. That I’d treat him better than she ever could. If only there was an easy way to explain my involvement with Parker. I can’t claim to be in love with Lewis when he’s watched me kiss another boy. It doesn’t exactly come off as genuine if we haven’t broken up yet.
“Are you sure Yvie has a ride home?” I ask. “Parker could take her home and I could keep you company on the bus. I don’t mind.”
“It’s fine with me,” Parker adds.
Lewis sighs. “Honestly, I just want to get out of here. She yelled a lot, and my head is killing me. I think we both need some time apart.”
Parker nods. “Okay, let’s get out of here.”
“It’s okay?” Lewis asks, pivoting between us. “I don’t want to ruin your date.”
“It’s fine,” Parker and I blurt much too eagerly.
Lewis’s eyes widen and he smiles nervously. “Thanks, guys.”
We leave the fairgrounds and make it back to Parker’s car. The traffic in town is more congested than usual. Parker and I share glances, because all we want to do is discuss our one-on-one time with our crushes. Then there’s the added hitch of my crush, sitting on the backseat in gloom.
I hate that he’s so down right now. Do I need to remind him about our moment on the ferris wheel? Would that help him perk up?
Ugh. My heart couldn’t take it if it didn’t.
We reach the curb outside my house and I unbuckle my seatbelt.
“Hey, man,” Parker says, twisting to view the backseat. “I’m just going to walk Kylie to the door and then we can hang. If you want.”
Lewis unbuckles. “Nah, man. I’m cool.”
Worry wrinkles Parker’s face. “Are you sure?”
“I’m good.” Lewis opens the passenger door. “Thanks for the ride home.”
“Okay, no problem,” Parker mumbles. “See ya later.”
Lewis waves, walking across to his front yard.