Today at school I convincedJosie to join me for lunch in the library. It was weird spending a lunch break without staring at Lewis, but my heart couldn’t take another sighting of him and Yvette kissing.
I’ve kept my head down most of the day, keeping away from crowds and tuning out the gossip. But my day is about to end in the worst way.
It’s always been one of my favorite classes. Learning the theory and doing the practical experiments actually helps me become a better baker. Lewis being in this class is a bonus, not the top priority.
But if he and Yvette become a fully-fledged item, or worse, become lab partners after spring break, I’ll have no favorite class.
Oh geez. Should I just turn around and go to the nurse’s office instead? It’s the last class of the day anyway. It won’t matter if I skip out early.
Behind me, thunderous footsteps quake the vinyl floor and a voice calls out, “Hey, wait up!”
“Huh?” I turn around, not expecting anyone to be calling out to me. I stumble backward when Parker waves at me.
“Hold up,” he calls, meeting up with me. “Don’t go inside yet.”
I hug my books, shying against the wall outside the chem lab. “Umm, okay?”
“So, what are we going to do about this?” he asks, stepping in close to me.
I hug my books higher until they touch my chin. “About what?”
“Our current problem.”
I squint at him. “Huh?”
“I’ve seen the way you look at him,” he whispers desperately. “It’s how I look at her.”
I swallow roughly, sliding against the wall. “I... I... I think you’ve got me mixed up with someone.”
“Don’t give me that,” he says, keeping his voice low. “We need to do something about it.”
“About what?” I say, pushing space between us. “I can’t do anything about them being together.”
Parker grins. “No, that’s where you’re wrong.”