I can’t help aweing when they kiss.
A light breeze swirls around me, and I relax in my cross-legged position. I look back up at the boys, and lose my relaxation when Yvette’s off her phone and getting handsy with Lewis.
Obviously unable to stomach it either, Parker backs away from the couple. His mood lifts when Tyler coaxes him into skating with him. I try to focus on them, but Yvie’s giggling keeps pulling me back.
Lewis attempts to get her on his board, but as per usual, she’s dramatizing the whole experience. Changing his approach, Lewis then lifts his camera like he’s Yvie’s paparazzo. I rub the ache in my chest. How could he sully his camera with images of her?
Parker rides past them, and he strains not to watch. His board flicks up beneath him, and he almost misses when landing back on it. When he moves to another ramp, he gains air with his skateboard, but when he lands, he skids off the board.
“Parker, what’s going on?” Tyler calls out. “I haven’t seen you wreck it like that in ages.”
Parker flicks up his board and rests it against the side of a ramp. “Yeah, I need a minute.”
“Eep. Hold me up!” Yvette squeals, flapping her arms and reaching for Lewis.
Lewis laughs and grabs Yvette’s waist. He hoists her off the skateboard and into a bear hug. My cheek sinks into my palm as I watch them laughing and hugging in a circle.
Parker walks toward me and takes a seat under the tree. We’re silent as he also takes in the sight. Lewis coaxes Yvette back onto the skateboard, staying extra close as he gives her instructions.
“Do you want to be doing that with him?” Parker asks.
“No, I want to be doingthiswith him.”
“What’s this?”
“This.” I pat the grass. “Just sitting here.”
“Oh, this is good for you?” Parker takes a beat, soaking up our immediate surroundings. “Yeah, I guess it’s pretty nice.”
“Taking in nature is like magic.”
“Well, Lewis would agree with you when it comes to his photos.” Parker hangs an elbow over his bent knee. “But he doesn’t really sit still. Remember yesterday at the lake, he didn’t join everyone else when we were sitting and eating cupcakes.”
I frown. “Yeah, but he was withher.”
“Still, he’s not one for sitting on the sidelines.”
With determination, I don’t lose my resolve. “That’s because he’s still waiting for me.”
“Ha. I like your confidence.”
“I’ve kept my crush on him for eighteen months because I have a tight hold on my beliefs.”
“Okay, but you’re not going to lure him over here.” He lifts into a crouched position. “We’re gonna have to get closer to everyone else.”
I tilt my head, gazing at the skatepark’s ramps and rails. “I’ll play along until he realizes he’s supposed to be with me.”
“At a girl,” Parker says, scooping his arms behind my back and underneath my knees.
Before I can ask what he’s doing, he’s standing with me in his arms. Moving towards the skatepark, he spins me in his arms. Squealing, I loop my arms around his neck and squint my eyes closed.
We stop spinning and Parker throws his back with a laugh. As he cradles me in his arms, I can’t help watching the sun dance in the brown of his eyes. On instinct, my lips wet and then slightly part. He doesn’t take another step, holding me and moving his gaze down to my mouth.
I clear my throat and look away. “Maybe you should put me down.”
“They’re looking,” he whispers. “You can kiss me if you want.”
I shiver against him.