She rolls her eyes and walks to the large window, her hand running through the sheer curtain. “Ezra, it’s honestly beautiful. Thank you.” She turns her head to me, her eyes filled with something other than lust, but I can’t quite place it.
“You’re beautiful.” I don’t know why I say it, but she makes me want to tell her exactly what I feel, when I feel it.
“Stop it.” Heat rises to her cheeks, turning them bright red, and my dick tents inside my jeans.
“Why?” I begin to walk toward her. “I mean it,” I say as I wrap my arm around her lower waist and pull her in.
“Don’t you have people to shoot?” She chuckles nervously, placing her hands on my chest, her eyes falling to my lips.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Me covered in blood, standing over you as you suck my cock?” She bites her bottom lip as I speak. “I bet if I slip my fingers inside your panties right now, they will be soaked with the thought of me thrusting my cock deep inside your throat.” I don’t get the chance to find out, because my phone interrupts, buzzing incessantly in my pocket. I groan as I pick it up and put it to my ear.
“This better fucking be good, or someone’s going to lose a fucking arm for interrupting me.” I watch Aries move closer tome, her lips planting small kisses on my neck, her strawberry scent enveloping me, searing its mark inside my nose.
“It’s time—the shipment will be at the dock in a couple of hours. We are starting to prep,” Nico explains.
“Fine. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.” I hang up the phone and shove it back in my pocket. “As much as I would love to bend you over this table and have my way with you, I have to be somewhere.” I explain as my hands lower to her ass, giving it a tight squeeze, pushing my erection into her. She pouts her lips in annoyance, and I groan.
“Promise to make it up to me later?” she asks as her eyes twinkle with deviance.
“I’ll do you one better.” I bring my mouth to hers, hovering over it. “If I come home tonight, and you’re in bed ready for me, I will let you have your way withme.” A smile curves on her lips before I place mine on hers, my tongue parting her mouth, forcing entry.
The night is slightly cooler, the breeze blowing through my car windows as Nico and I sit, waiting. Our men have concealed themselves throughout the port, hiding behind various cargo.
“How was your honeymoon?” Nico asks, the usual sarcasm hanging in his voice.
“Fine.” I watch the port, my eyes never leaving the approaching ship. Usually, the shipments happen during the day, whilst all the port employees are on shift, but being the King, I have certain pull, and what King would I be if I didn’t use it to my advantage?
“Just fine?” He chuckles. “Do you need me to tell you how to properly fuck a woman, brother?” He snorts as I flip him off.
“My wife is perfectly satisfied with the way I fuck her, Nico.” I clench my jaw, my body becoming tense as I watch the shipdocking, a few men pulling ropes and dropping anchors. “Now shut the fuck up. We’re here to do a job, don’t fuck it up.”
“Mefuck it up? Brother,you’rethe one who’s pussy-whipped.” He checks his gun is loaded and leans into me. “Your wife isn’t going anywhere tonight, so try to focus on getting our revenge.” With that, he slips out of the car, leaving me with his words.
I hadn’t stopped to realise that maybe I am, and maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing. I’d fucking beg on my knees to have my face in her pussy at any given hour on any given day, and if that makes me whipped, I could not give a fuck.
Exiting the car, I pull out my two guns from my holster, one in each hand, and walk over to Nico, staring and watching as they unload the cargo.
“Ready, brother?” I ask, turning my head to face him.
“Till death.” He smirks, striding into the den of our enemy. “GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND, YOU COCKSUCKERS!” he yells as he sprays a couple of bullets into the air, then aims for two of the men beside the cargo, shooting them straight in the head. I know people call me a psychopath, but Nico’s wrath could scare even the most hardened men.
Our men come out of hiding and bullets fly through the entirety of the ship and cargo, automatic machine guns almost always get the job done quicker and easier, and the way I’m feeling right now, I just want to get this done, go home to my wife and sink my dick deep inside her wet cunt.
I watch as Nico captures one of them in a headlock, Nico’s height towering over him, making him look small. “This is him; this is the guy we want.”
I point my guns straight at his head, resting the barrels between his eyes as our men take care of the rest of them. The man struggles to breathe as Nico’s arm places pressure on his throat.
“Now is the time to say something.” My voice stern.
He splutters as Nico releases his hold just a fraction. “I don’t know anything,” he says, and I lower my gun to aim at his dick, maybe if he doesn’t care about his brain, he might be shallow enough to care if his dick is mangled for the rest of his life.
“Try again.”
His breathing quickens as he begins to struggle in Nico’s hold, looking from my gun to me. Just like I guessed, the cockhead cares more about being a eunuch than death. “Okay, okay.” He breathes, saliva and blood running down his chin. “His name is Neil. Neil Ferguson. He’s the accountant, and your way into the Brayford’s empire.” He looks to me, pure fear rippling through his eyes. “Please don’t shoot me in the dick.” His voice wobbles as he speaks.
Nico releases his hold on him and moves to my side, and I pull the trigger, his screams echoing through the port, in the black night sky. I feel nothing as I watch him standing there, cupping his groin, and a twisted smile curls on my lips as I raise the gun in my left hand and shoot him between the eyes, his blood splattering over my face, my shirt, and arms from the proximity. Blood rushes through my veins like water in a rapid river, thrashing about. I’m in the mood to kill and I’m disappointed that all the killing has been done.
For tonight at least.