My rational side knows this, and yet, something within me is still curious, and I can’t exactly blame myself for it because just look at this man. He’s what any woman would dream of.
“Talk to me.” His eyes graze my thighs as he watches me. “I need a distraction right now.”
“Uh-okay.” I try to think of something on the spot and say the first thing that comes to me. “I’m allergic to bees.”
His eyebrows come together. “What?”
“Yeah, I got stung by a bee when I was in school, and my entire throat closed up within minutes of the sting.”
He continues listening intently to my babbling.
“Luckily one of the teachers had an EpiPen with them on duty. Without her I most likely would not have survived.”
He grunts, picking up his phone, quickly sending a message, and putting it back down.
“Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?” He leans forward on his elbows. “What if you had been stung whilst we were at the cabin?” His jaw clenches.
“Is there anything else I should know?” he questions, and I can’t tell if he’s angry with me.
He leans back into his chair, picking up his phone and returning to whatever he was doing.
What the fuck was that about?
Trying not to think too much into his reaction, I pick up my bag from the floor and pull out the book I took from the cabin. He quickly raises his eyes to look at me then to the book, and I swear I see his lip curl into a small smile before his face returns to serious again.
An hour passes, and I’m feeling a little bored as I stare out the window at the white clouds, wondering how I’m going to pull this off…how I’m going to keep this nagging feeling in my gut at bay.
I glance over at Ezra who is working away on his laptop, his Rolex glimmering in the light flowing through the windows. I’mnot used to a life like this, a life of luxury. Giselle and I grew up surviving off crackers and noodles, and here I am in a private jet with leather seats.
I have no idea what I’m doing, and all I can hope is that I’m doing the right thing, for Giselle and my future. What I do know, though, is that was probably the best sex I’ve ever had. The way Ezra knew exactly what to do with my body and the way he praised me had me melting into a damn puddle.
I stand and make my way toward the back of the plane, coming across a door. I assume it’s a bedroom, given it’s completely private. Opening the door, I enter and close it behind me. Something catches my eye in the corner where the storage cupboard is, and I walk closer to it, opening the door.
My brows pull in as I examine the leather straps now in my hands, turning them over and trying to make sense of what it is. I place them back and pull out a wand of some sort, curious as to what it does. The handle rattles as Ezra walks in, and I quickly place the item back into the cupboard, closing the door and moving beside the bed. I watch as he enters the room, a smirk playing on his lips.
“Curious, are we?” he mocks.
“No, just bored,” I say sarcastically.
“Hmm.” He moves closer to me, his hand snaking around my waist. “I think I might have a cure for that.” He reaches to the side and opens the cupboard. The room is relatively small, given it’s a private jet, making everything easily accessible. He pulls out the leather bands I had in my hands earlier and holds them between us. “Do you know what these are?” he asks.
I shake my head, feeling silly.
“They’re used for binding your arms to your thighs,” he says, my eyes widening, finally understanding what the bands are used for. “I guess you’ve never tried it before, have you?”
“No.” I swallow, excitement building within me at the thought of him binding me and fucking me up in the air. As if sensing my thoughts, he turns me around, my ass now pressing into his front, feeling his already hard cock pressing into me.
“Do you want to?” he whispers into my ear, causing my nipples to peak underneath my bra. “We have an hour until we land…we could do a lot in those sixty minutes.” His voice vibrates through me as I bite my bottom lip.
I nod, wanting—no, needing—to feel him again. He tosses the cuffs onto the bed as he begins to remove my clothes. I’m down to my bra and panties whilst he’s fully clothed. Slowly he walks me over to the bed, and instructs me to remove my bra, which I do, dropping it to the floor. His eyes move to my breasts as his brows pull in.
“You are truly so fucking beautiful,” he whispers. “Take off your panties and get on the bed.” I do as he says, now fully naked, laying on the bed. He grabs the cuffs from beside me and begins to fasten my upper arm with one end of the leather cuff and places the other on my thigh, pulling my thigh to my arm. He does the same to the other side, exposing my pussy to him completely as my knees bend, my legs cuffed to my arms.
He pulls out the wand I had in my hand earlier and holds it out to the side. “This may be too much for you, but I know for a fact you’re going to enjoy it.” He smirks as my chest heaves, so many thoughts bouncing through my mind. I lick my lips as he pulls me by my hips, towards the edge of the bed, my ass now almost hanging off. He runs his two fingers against my pussy, and I feel my body reacting to him.