“Thank you,” I breathed, shivering a little when he pressed my gun into my hand, his warm fingers brushing mine before they skimmed my cheek, like he wanted to touch me as badly as I suddenly wanted to be touched.
His hair was darker than normal, damp and slicked away from his face. Oh. He must have come from the shower when he found me one second away from a meltdown. I uh, I… was thinking about him in the shower. Naked. Dripping water.
For fuck’s sake, he’d been in the shower with me last night. I hadn’t felt any of this heat then. There’d only been icy dread.
“Vasilisa,” he said, and I jolted.
“Sorry,” I rushed out.
“Where did you go?” he asked gently, concern shining in his black eyes.
I scratched my neck, my skin hot. “Nowhere.”
“You know I’ll never let anyone hurt you,” he said, a gentle reminder. “They’ll suffer the same fate as everyone in Ivanov Manor.”
That was really not helping calm my heat!
I swallowed and nodded, looking down at my gun because I couldn’t keep staring at his naked torso. I’d never seen a man like him before, strong and lithe with concentrated power in every flex of his body. I’d certainly never seen one up close. All the men who trained me were twice his age and unsettling, with pudgy fingers that clasped too hard or broad-shouldered bodies that crushed mine.
Soft fingers brushed my jaw and I jumped, my gaze flying up to clash with worried inky eyes.
“Ah, fuck, sorry,” I breathed, and then squeaked when I realised what I’d said. “Oh, god, I—”
His eyes glittered now, matching the smile that crossed his face. “Question.”
I swallowed sudden nerves and nodded.
He stroked my jaw with his thumb. My heart raced. “Were you ogling your future husband just then?”
“No,” I answered too quickly.
Damien’s smile widened. I was an awful liar.
He kissed my temple, the sudden shock of warm lips making my heart jump. “I’m all yours, Vasilisa. You can look as much as you like. You can touch me if you want to.”
I jumped back, my face scalding and a fierce, insistent throb in my clit. “I—I thought you were cutting my hair,” I blurted, latching onto that distraction.
His grin was wide now, and a little crooked. “You’re right. Turn around, little queen.”
I put my back to him, no less aware that he was half naked and so close that the heat from his body licked my spine.
“How hard do you want it, Vasilisa?” he asked, and my whole body jolted, a powerful spasm clenching my pussy.
“W-what?” I gasped.
“How short do you want it?” His fingers slid through my curls. “Where should I cut?”
I fought a groan. I was going mad.
It was surprisingly easy to let Jonathan and his team of psycho underlings take care of hunting Finch, my whole day devoted to the binder the wedding planner sent over at an hour’s notice. I had a feeling Vasilisa’s eyes would pop out of her head if she knew how much I was paying to get our wedding organised so quickly, but when she’d looked at me so sweetly and asked if we could get married tomorrow, I was hardly going to say no. I’d move heaven and Earth for her to smile at me again. Or to get her eyes to darken when they glued to my body.
That certainly hadn’t hurt my ego, and lifted some of the guilt I’d felt about wanting her so badly.
But there would be a severe difference in wanting me and having me—Vasilisa was traumatised, and the thought of scaring her didn’t sit right in my stomach. I had to be careful. Gentle.