“Alanna. It’s a pretty name,” he said thoughtfully. “Thom. Maude. Coram. Who else knows?”

“George, and his mother.”

“You trusted George?”

“He can be trusted!” she said hotly. “Besides—I needed help once, and I knew he’d never give me away. He’s my friend, Jon.”

“You called me ‘Jon.’”

“You saved my life, back there.”

“You saved mine. We wouldn’t have made it without each other. I knew I was right to take you.”

She lay silent for a while, listening to the sounds in the night. At last she gathered her courage. “What’re you going to do about me?”

His voice was surprised. “Do? I’m not doing anything. As far as I’m concerned, you earned the right to try for your shield a long time ago.” She heard him moving. “No one will learn your secret from me, Alanna.”

Her chin trembled. Tears stung her eyes. “Thank you, your Highness.”

He knelt beside her. “I thought you were calling me Jon. Alanna, you’re crying.”

“It’s been such an awful day,” she sobbed. Hesitantly the young man put his arms around her and drew her against him. “And now you’re being so kind.” She wept into his shirt.

“Not kind,” he told her. “Grateful. Admiring. You’re getting my shirt wet.”

She laughed and straightened, wiping her eyes. “I’m sorry, Jon. I haven’t done that for a long time.”

“I believe it,” he said, sitting back on his heels. “I don’t think you cried even when Ralon was beating on you, and you were just a little boy—girl. Mithros, I’m so confused!” he whistled. “Gods, that’s why you never went swimming! All the times you’ve seen us naked—me naked!”

She gripped his arm. “Jon, you start to act like that, and I’m finished. You’ve got to go on treating me like any other boy, or I’m through!”

He sat beside her. “What insanity! But you’re right.” She could feel his eyes on her face although it was too dark to see him clearly. “How do you plan to be a warrior maiden if no one knows you’re a girl?”

“I’m going to tell everyone, on my eighteenth birthday.”

“What will you do after that?” She could see him grin. “Mithros, Uncle will have fits.”

She relaxed. “I’m going to travel and do great deeds.”

He ruffled her hair. “I believe you. Don’t forget your friends when you’re a legend.”

She laughed. “You’ll be more famous than me! You’ll be king one day!”

“And I’ll need all my friends. Will you still serve me when you’re doing great deeds?”

“I’m your vassal,” she said seriously. “I’ll never forget that.”

“Excellent.” He rose with a slight moan. “I want to keep one of the best fencers at Court on my side. I’m going to bathe. Don’t watch.”

She grinned. “I never watch.” She turned her back as he walked down to the water. Dreamily she stared at the sky, listening to Jon yelp as he splashed chilly water over his aching body.

His voice startled her when he spoke. “You’re only that quiet when you’re worrying about something. What’s bothering you now?”

“Two things,” she admitted. “The Ysandir—we have no way of knowing they’re gone for good or that we got all of them.”

“I know that we did,” Jonathan replied. “Sometimes a man has to rely on his instincts. The Ysandir are gone forever.”

“Doesn’t it seem—well, strange—that a boy and a girl were able to destroy the Bazhir demons?”

“You’re forgetting,” he reminded her gently, “we had help. Even the Bazhir demons couldn’t stand against the gods.”

“I suppose so,” she said dubiously.

“I know so.” Jonathan climbed from the pool and hurried into his clothes. “Your turn. And keep talking—it’ll frighten any animals away.”

“Don’t you watch,” she warned as she stripped and plunged into the chilly water.

Jonathan chuckled. “Not me. You’re too skinny—and too good with a sword. You said two things were bothering you. What’s the other one?”

Alanna shook soggy hair from her eyes, trying to decide how she could best say what she was thinking. She was about to tread on very dangerous ground. “Doesn’t it strike you as odd—the way Duke Roger warned us to stay away from the Black City?” She climbed out of the oasis and pulled on the over-large tunic once more.

“You mean the way he practically dared us—well, me—to come here.”

Alanna sat beside him, trying to see her friend’s face in the desert night. “You knew?” she whispered, horrified. “You knew Duke Roger was sending you to almost certain death?”

His grip on her arm was painful. “Now that I do not believe,” he said sternly. “Roger is my only cousin and one of my best friends. He taught me to ride! He would never—never—do the thing you’re suggesting, Alanna. Never. He sent me here because he thought I might have a chance to rid Tortall of a scourge, and I did, with your help. He must have known I’d take you with me; I’m sure by now he has the whole story of what happened the night I had the Sweating Fever. He did Tortall a favor, and he did me a favor. People will think twice before they take on a prince—or a king—who can defeat demons.”

“Why didn’t he do it himself?” she asked. “Why risk the only heir to the throne?”

“Perhaps he doesn’t have the—the other powers helping him, as they seem to be helping us. And that’s enough for this discussion. I would trust Roger with my life, and with yours. If he had ever wanted the throne, he could have had it any time all these years past. So let’s change the subject, all right?”

There are too many perhapses in all that, Alanna thought rebelliously, but she did as she was told. After all, Jon was older, wiser and far better acquainted with Duke Roger. But she still thought the Duke of Conté never expected them to return from the Black City.

They both found comfortable spots beneath the same tree, stretching out for a night’s sleep. Alanna was gazing at the distant outline of the Black City when Jon said, “Alan. Alanna. Perhaps you’ll help me with a decision I have to make.”

Relief made her smile. At least he wasn’t angry because she had said what she had about his cousin. “I can try.”

“What with Gary and Alex and Raoul becoming knights at the same time I do, it makes competition for the squires pretty fierce.”

“So I’ve noticed,” she said dryly.

He chuckled. “Who do you think I should pick?”

Alanna sat up on her elbow. A week ago she would have told him to pick Geoffrey or Douglass. But she had not been to the Black City then. She had not proved to the Ysandir that a girl could be one of the worst enemies they would ever face.

But what if she had not gone to the Black City? Duke Gareth had mentioned that, with a deal more practice, she could become one of the finest swordsmen at Court. In archery she hit the target every time. The masters who taught her tactics and logic said she was sometimes brilliant—Myles said she was far more intelligent than many adults. She had bested Ralon of Malven, and in some strange way she had won her sword.

All at once she felt different inside her own skin.

“Me,” she said at last. “You should pick me.”

“But you’re a girl.” It was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

“So?” she demanded. “Even Captain Sklaw says I’ll be a swordsman yet. I’m as good an archer as Alex, and he’s a boy and a squire. I’m a better tracker than Raoul. And have I ever failed you? Back there, or when you had the Fever—”