“Alan. Open the door.” This was the Prince, and he was giving an order.

Slowly she obeyed. It was nearly dark—maybe they wouldn’t notice.

All her friends were standing outside. She looked at the floor. “I—I’m sorry I yelled. It’s just the heat, I guess—”

“Look at me,” Jonathan commanded.

That she would not do. He put cool fingers beneath her chin and lifted her face. She gave him look for look with her good eye, ignoring the gasps and murmurs of pity.

“What happened?” the Prince asked finally.

“I fell down, Highness. In the stables.” Now they all knew what a weakling she was.

Jonathan let her go. “I’ll make your excuses to Uncle Gareth. We’ll bring you something to eat later.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. “I’m not hungry.”

“Here, lads—what’s this?” Coram was returning with a slice of raw meat. “Alan had a bit of an accident, that’s all. Ye’d best be gettin’ to th’ tables—his Majesty’s about to start.”

The others hurried away. Jonathan hesitated. “I’ll be back,” he told Coram.

The man bowed. “Very good, yer Highness.”

That night the pages ate in silence. After dinner Jonathan and his friends went to Gary’s rooms.

“It was Ralon!” Raoul burst out when they were alone.

“He didn’t like what happened yesterday,” Francis pointed out.

“It’s time we dealt with him,” Alex added in his soft voice. “He forgets his place.”

“I’ll teach it to him,” Raoul growled.

“He forgot the lesson you taught him yesterday,” Gary reminded him.

Raoul smiled coldly. “This time I’ll make sure he knows what the lesson’s about.”

“You’re forgetting something.” They all looked at Jonathan. “Alan won’t admit Ralon hit him. He wants to fight Ralon himself.”

“He can’t,” Raoul protested. “He’s just a little guy. And he doesn’t know how to fight!”

“He’s got courage,” Alex said.

“Courage!” Raoul bellowed. “That coward almost kills him and—”

“Hush!” Jonathan ordered. “Listen. We must be sure. Gary—see if anyone at the stables knows what happened. Perhaps Alan will tell me something. And remember—we have to do it his way. He’d be ashamed if he thought we were fighting his battles.”

The others nodded in agreement, and the group split up.

“How do you feel?” the Prince asked.

Alanna struggled to sit up. “Miserable, Highness,” she admitted.

“Poor little man. He really whipped you, didn’t he?”

“Nobody whipped me. I fell.”

He grinned. “Deny it all you want. We both know you had a fight with Ralon and you lost.”

She stuck her chin out stubbornly. “I fell. Your Highness.”

Jonathan patted her shoulder. “You’re pluck to the backbone, young Trebond. Get some sleep.”

Gary found Stefan immediately. The hostler nodded as the young nobleman climbed into his hayloft. “I thought perhaps one o’ ye would be comin’ around. What lie is Master Alan tellin’?”

Gary made a face. “He says he fell down.”

Stefan spat. “Oh, aye, he fell. O’ course, Master Ralon helped him fall, several times. Poor li’l tyke didn’t have a chance.” He chuckled. “But he got Master Malven a good ’un in th’ nuts t’ start.”

“Why didn’t you stop them?” Gary wanted to know.

Stefan shook his head. “It’s th’ rules—we don’t mess in th’ nobles’ fights. But I’ll say this—if Ralon ever comes back from th’ City wiv a full purse, George’ll have all our ears. George likes Master Alan.”

“Let George do what he wants.” Then Gary frowned. “What do you mean, he’ll have your ears?”

Stefan’s eyes were calm. “George has a collection. One slip an’ he warns ye. Two, an’ he takes an ear—fer his collection. Three mistakes—” Stefan shrugged. “He takes t’other ear an’ all that’s attached. George likes things done right.”

The next afternoon Raoul beat Ralon thoroughly. Ralon broke the code and informed Duke Gareth. From then on Jonathan’s friends left any room Ralon entered. Raoul watched Ralon all the time, just waiting for his chance.

Ralon couldn’t take revenge on Raoul, or Gary, or the Prince. Instead he found an easier victim.

“You told your friends!” he hissed when he caught Alanna in the library alone one day. He blacked her other eye and split her lip again. Four days later he caught her once more. This time Alanna used a few tricks Coram had taught her. She bloodied Ralon’s nose.

Ralon broke her arm.

Each talk she had with Duke Gareth was worse than the last one. Once again she faced him, this time with one arm in a sling.

“I fell down, your Grace,” she said, her face straight.

“Mithros, boy—can’t you think of a better excuse?”

She scuffed a foot. “This one works so well, sir. It—it has tradition behind it.”

Gareth scowled at her. “It certainly does. I’ve heard it from every page who’s been fighting that I ever trained—with a few exceptions.”

“Well, sir, you don’t believe me and I know you don’t believe me, but pride is satisfied all around. Your Grace.”

The Duke had to hide a smile. “You are pert, Alan of Trebond. An extra hour of mathematics for you for the next five weeks. You may go.”

Alanna was opening the door when he added, “I wish you would thrash him. He deserves it.”

She looked back at him. “I will one day, sir. I’m getting tired of falling down.”

While Alanna talked to Duke Gareth, Stefan came to the practice courts in search of the master who was teaching the boys hand-to-hand combat. After Stefan lured the teacher away, Jonathan’s friends surrounded Ralon. He saw Raoul adjusting the padded gloves on his big hands and began to sweat.

Jonathan spoke, his voice icy. “You were warned, Malven. You are no gentleman. You are a dog, and you shall be thrashed like one.”

Gary held Ralon. Raoul administered the beating, his face impossible to read. When the boys’ teacher returned from his wild-goose chase, he found his students practicing wrestling. Ralon, they said, was sick and had gone to his room.

After that Ralon kept to small bits of nastiness, knowing Alanna would never complain to anyone. If she had gone swimming, the others would have seen the many bruises on her body. As it was, she said nothing and continued to study with Coram. She lived with Ralon’s tormenting and spent her free time wrestling and boxing. She fell asleep the moment she rolled into bed, only to rise at dawn to practice some more. She was determined to beat Ralon—it would mean she had finally earned her place among the boys. It would mean that she could do anything larger and stronger males could.

Her splinted arm turned into an advantage. Normally she was right-handed. Now Alanna had to depend on her left hand for everything, and her left hand was the one she first learned to really fight with. She quickly saw that she could be twice as effective using both hands, and worked as hard as she could to develop her skill.

In mid-October the palace healers removed the splint. If they were surprised that her arm had healed so quickly, they said nothing. Impatient to get Ralon, Alanna had used her Gift to help mend her broken bone.

In bed the night the splint was taken off, she waited to hear Coram’s snores before getting up. Quickly she put on dark clothes and picked up her boots. She crept through Coram’s room, trying not to make a sound.

When she got to the door, Coram sighed, “Now what are ye up to?”

Alanna froze. “Go back to sleep.”

“Where are ye goin’?” She could see him sitting up in the dim light from the window.

“If Duke Gareth asks, you won’t be lying when you say you don’t know,” she p

ointed out.

Coram made a resigned noise. “Lass—it’s restriction to the palace if ye’re caught.”

“I know.”

“All right, then. I won’t bolt the door.” He lay back down and immediately went back to sleep.

It was easy to slip out of the palace and onto the road to the city. Alanna set off at a jog-trot, wishing she was riding Chubby. Still, she knew she couldn’t have ridden out of the palace without being spotted.

The Dancing Dove was bustling. She could barely see through the smoke-filled air, and the noise of the thieves and their ladies having fun was deafening. For a moment she wanted to turn and run, but Ralon was waiting back at home. Better to face George’s friends—who were honest villains—than Ralon the sneak. But how was she to find George in this mess?

A tall, chesty redhead stopped and looked Alanna over. Planting her hands firmly on her hips, the redhead drawled, “A bit young for this place, aren’t you, sonny?”

Her husky voice was teasing, but there was kindness in the lady’s large brown eyes. “I’m looking for George,” Alanna replied. “He said I could find him here.”

The woman made a face. “He did? That sounds like him, tellin’ a bit of a boy t’ come t’ this place at night.”

“I don’t think he expected me to come at night,” Alanna said, always fair.

“Humph. Wait,” the woman ordered. She vanished into the crowded room, to return within minutes. “Come on, then—and have an eye t’ your purse.”

“I didn’t bring one,” Alanna yelled above the din as she followed the redhead.

“Here you be.” The woman shoved Alanna into a clear space before the fire. A table had been set beside the hearth and George sat at its head. Gathered around him were men and women who eyed Alanna curiously.

George had an odd expression in his eyes as he looked her over. Finally he spoke. “Alan, this is Rispah, the queen of the ladies who follow the Rogue. Alan’s a friend of mine—from the country.”

Rispah gave a crooked grin. “I’m sure he is.” Raising her voice, she called, “Solom, you old dotard, bring lemonade for the boy. Can’t you see he’s parched?” She looked at Alanna. “Unless you want somethin’ stronger, youngling?”