Page 63 of Fate Breaker

Salbhai shook his head. “I was only in Trazivy when I received orders.”

The map in Erida’s head narrowed, the scale of the realm shrinking. She forced a bite, giving herself time to think without speaking.Only a month’s ride between Trazivy and Ascal. Even less by boat, she knew, recalculating.

“And those orders were?” Erida muttered, dropping her voice.

The ambassador twitched a smirk. “I see no use in burying my purpose here.”

Erida’s grip tightened on her knife. “I will dig it up if you do.”

“Of that, I am certain, Your Majesty,” Salbhai laughed, grinning openly at her, as if she were some amusing child instead of a ruling queen. “You have undertaken wars of conquest across the east, rapidly bringing three kingdoms into your domain. And you are hardly finished in your work.”

Before Erida could form a reply, Salbhai continued, cutting off any retort.

“Emperor Bhur is a conqueror too.” He leaned closer, until Erida could see the dark freckles spread across his nose. Born of days in the sun, not the shadows of an imperial court. “He holds all the northern territories under his thumb. But for the little kingdoms, and even they know the truth of their freedom.”

Trec, Uscora, Dahland, Ledor.Erida rattled off the border kingdoms in her mind. Buffers between the Temurijon empire and the rest of the realm.

“What is your aim, Queen Erida, Empress Rising?” Salbhai murmured, staring into her as if he could read her mind. “Will your eyes ever turn north? Will your hunger reach across mountains? Will you threaten my people, and test the Countless upon the open plain?”

A year ago, Erida would have relied upon her small smile and downcast eyes. A young, unwed queen was easy to underestimate, and an easier character to play.

It did not suit Erida anymore.

Her courtly mask dropped. Her smirk was a snarl, her sapphire-blue eyes flashing with all the might of the oceans.

I am Erida of Galland, Queen of Four Kingdoms.

I am subject to nothing and no one.

“Do you threaten me, Lord Ambassador, Blood of the Emperor?” she hissed back at him.

Her smirk widened as the ambassador recoiled.

“We hold no desire for your kingdom, Galland or otherwise,” he said quickly, scrambling to regain some ground. “Stay on your side of the mountains, Your Majesty, and we will remain on our own.”

As quickly as it disappeared, Erida’s court mask returned. Her smirk softened, a gentle laugh on her lips. The lies slid through her teeth like breath.

“That is all we ever desire, Ambassador,” she said, returning to her dinner.

At her side, Taristan glowered at his own empty plate, clearly listening. She caught the flare of red in his eye and felt the heat of him rise, flickering like the candles.

Salbhai scowled. “We will need a show of goodwill, to cement this truce.”

Again, Erida laughed. “I’m sorry to say I have no children, and no betrothals to make. Yet. That can be negotiated when the time comes.”

Internally, her stomach twisted. Erida knew too well what it was to be a prize mare, sold off to the highest bidder. She already regretted the need to do the same with her own child, whoever they might be.

The ambassador did not relent. His brow set into a grim, gray line.

“A trade will do for now,” he said.

“I doubt you can carry enough treasure to tempt the Temur Emperor,” Erida shot back, shaking her head.Perhaps Salbhai is not so capable as I assumed.

He only stared, his eyes boring into the side of Erida’s face.

“I don’t want anything in your vaults, Your Majesty,” Salbhai growled, his good manners cast aside.

Erida whirled at his sharp tone, half shocked. Taristan heard it too and his chair slid back from the table a few inches, giving him room to stand.