She smirked. “Why? Do you trust Pixa?”

I blinked. She was right. I didn’t trust her at all when it came to mating. We walked to the hostess stand. “Ricon, party of two?”

The hostess looked at her tablet, and her eyes widened. “Oh, yes, the private room. Please follow me,” she said as she grabbed two menus and headed inside the restaurant. We turned to each other, and Chloe smiled. Her face lit up, and I realized it seemed like she was smiling less and less these days. Was that my fault? She almost skipped as she followed the hostess. We slipped into the room and sat down.

“Your server will be with you soon. Enjoy your evening!”

After she left, Chloe leaned in closer. She smelled so delicious. I loved every aspect of her. My pheromones increased, and I noticed her shift in her seat. Did she notice every time they increased? I shook my head. That presumed shewasmy mate.

“How did Pixa do this?” she whispered.

“I don’t know.”

“I’ve always wanted to come here.”

“Well, now you are here.”

“And I’ll get your knot later, right?” Chloe asked, her voice filled with hope.


“Tell me about space, Ricon.”

“I was in the military. I flew space fighters.”

“And now, what do you do?”

“I fly Chex’s spaceship. And sometimes help with engineering. But that is a special interest.”

“Your device?”

“Special interest.”

She hummed. The server breezed in to take our orders. After they left, Chloe looked back at me. “What is Chex’s spaceship?”

I grimaced. “Chex is a space pirate, and Andy’s mate. I’m part of his crew.”

“Andy’s involved with pirates?”

“Technically yes, but Chex doesn’t need to do what he is doing.”


“He’s the son of a very accurate future reader from his planet. She isn’t the grand leader, but . . . she is unofficially. Everyone knows it. He could have mated any high nobility on his planet. Even someone from another planet could be a good match.”

“So when I joked about the mafia, I was sort of right. You’re bad guys?”

“We try our best to be ethical.”


“He wanted to help his kind. They were under the rule of another species who took them from their original planet to their current planet as laborers. So now Chex uses his ship to get them things they need.”

“How does Andy like it?”

“I . . . I don’t know. She always seems sad and angry.”

“She’s been depressed since her mom died.”