“I don?—”

“If I’m not your mate, you have a mate out there. You’ve admitted that I’m someone you actually like. It’s not fair to your mate.” I hated the words coming from my mouth. Deep down, I hoped if I showed him I could take his knot, he’d realize that I was it: his mate.

At the end of the corridor, there was the exit and a few guards standing watch. I swallowed as I repositioned the bag on my shoulder. He stepped closer and leaned closer to me. “I do like you and I don’t want to stop?—”

“You’re already breaking my heart by being an ass. You don’t have to keep hurting me.” My voice raised higher, which I shouldn’t have done. One guard turned and walked to me.Shit.

“Everything fine here?” he asked.

“Yeah, it’s fine. This guy’s my ex and he doesn’t understand that it’s either date me or leave me alone. I don’t want to be that friend in the rafters. You ever been fucked by a girl like that?” I said. I kept walking forward, trying to act normal. We were just having a lovers’ quarrel. That’s it.Be the lie.

The man stepped back. “Do you need any sort of help?”

“Fucking punch some sense into him. Cause I’m a fucking catch and he’s making a mistake.” That was true.I thought. I hoped.My world was shattering, fragmenting into a thousand pieces. The strong and vivacious Chloe a whisper in the background.

The man faltered as he looked at Ricon. “Sir, are you bothering her?”

Ricon looked confused. “No, things are complicated.”

I slipped out of the door with no one catching me. I blew air out as I sprinted to my car. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be taken in for questioning or something. The guards could brush it off as a tiff and forget that I had a suspicious bag. I dumped it into the trunk when hands bent me over the trunk. My desire skyrocketed. Fuck.No, fuck me.

“You want a date?” Ricon whispered into my ear.

I wiggled my hips against his pelvis. My breathing came in pants and he groaned.

I nodded. “Yes, give me a date. But I think you’ll have to fuck me first. How dare you push me down like this?”

His hand slipped around and fondled my mound. “Are you needy already?”

“Yes, I need your cocks. I need them both. You can even tie me up to ensure that I don’t wiggle further onto your knot.”

He rubbed between my pants. “So fucking needy. All in public. Do you want to get off, my little slut?”

I moaned. “Yes. Please.”

HIs fingers moved faster as he pressed against my body. “Someone walked by looking at you acting like a slut. Moan for me.”

“People will hear,” I whispered.

He stopped. “Do you want me to stop?”

Torture.“No. I’ll listen. I’ll be a good girl.”

He growled, and the arousal flooded my system. I didn’t think I could avoid moaning if I wanted to. His fingers went back to touching me through my pants until I fell apart—in the middle of the parking lot of where I worked. This alien was destroying me ever so slowly. He pulled his hand away and walked around the car. My cheeks felt warm as I slid into my car. That was so humiliating . . . and hot as hell.

Chapter 50


“Thanks for fixing me! I’m glad you are not that much of an idiot,” Pixa said with cheer.


“I think I decided I am keeping Pixa. Call me Pixa, pronouns she/her please.”

As I sighed, I felt a wave of frustration wash over me. “Okay. Pixa.”

“Thank you!” A gif flew across the screen that showed a cat jumping up and down with pompoms.