
“You two are late!” Dr. Mahma scolded as Chloe and I walked into the lab. Dr. Mahma grabbed my elbow and turned me back to the door. “We have a very important meeting with a government official about our work. We’re changing lives here! Medical discoveries, military upgrades, so many possibilities.”

Chloe muttered, “Aliens.”

I glared at Chloe, but Dr. Mahma laughed. “‘Yes! Aliens! Let’s go, Ric!”

“I don’t drive, sir,” I said. At least, not Earth vehicles. They wouldn’t be hard to figure out . . . I think. He tugged me down the hall. We passed the two other aliens in another room. One smirked as he saw Dr. Mahma leave. Would Chloe be safe after we left?

“I’ll drive us to the restaurant. You hitch a ride with Chloe every day, right?”


“She’s one of the best secretaries I’ve ever had. And that she recommended you shows what quality people she is. You’ve already helped me so much.”

I paused as I opened the car door. How did I help him? I was going around stealing parts and disabling parts of the ships. I was avoiding the morynth ship especially. Other than the bits he messed around with, it looked like it was in working order. The ship was designed to only work with my people, which made it dangerous for me. No one else, to my knowledge. Dr. Mahma’s vehicle whipped around the streets until we parked at a restaurant.

“Who are we meeting?” I asked.

“Government agency that also knows about aliens.” My discomfort whipped through me as my hand touched my filter device. What would happen if it failed right now?

The hostess led us to our table where a man with a black suit sat. He stood up, and we shared the Earth custom of handshakes. On my planet, we tapped horns in greeting. I wasn’t sure if I missed home, but I missed space. The comfort of being myself without the worry of another filter failure. We sat down and the man looked at me with suspicion.

“And who is this?” he said.

“He’s my new assistant. Whiz with all these things. Almost like he was born with those pieces in his hands.”

What he didn’t know was that tech was from my native world. Their tech was alien to me. I waved my hands. “No. No. Just like to play with gizmos. Didn’t Chloe tell you how I try to invent new tech?”

The man’s eyes whipped to mine. “What kind of tech?”

“Uh, a camouflage device.”

“That would be a good thing to have.”

“I haven’t figured it out. Maybe it’s beyond my means.”

His eyes went back to Dr. Mahma. “What’s your latest update?”

“The one ship has been a recent addition. Ric has been working with that one. The older one has given me more problems. It’s almost like it’s bio-locked.”

“Biometric locking would be a great thing to have. If you could copy that, we could use it in the military.”

“I’ll keep that in mind as I figure it out.”

“Are we selling the tech to the government?” I asked.

“I saw aliens taking my father when I was a boy. No one else believed him. I decided when I saw how he was abandoned by everyone, that I would prove their existence. Using the tech to better ourselves is a bonus”

“What did the alien look like?” What species came and returned a human? A male at that. More abductions were female for obvious reasons, but there were a few species that used men for breeding.

“Do you believe in aliens?” he asked.

I shrugged. “Never gave aliens much thought, so when I saw the ships, I was in for a shock.”

“He was red with hands that had long fingers that looked more like tendrils.”

The other man snickered, and the doctor glared at him. “You disbelieve me, but you want to strip the ships of all tech. We should replicate them and go into space. Show them we are not to be taken and abused.”