“Get on with what?” I asked.

“What’s a morynth?” Nadine asked her boyfriend.

Her companion turned down the trail as he spun around. There was a slight flutter of motion behind his back and something green slipped out. I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture. As they disappeared around a bend in the trail, I zoomed in on the picture. It was a green tail. It had to be a tail. My eyes widened. I had to go tell Ric.

Except if he said that those men were aliens, why were they looking for Heather and Andy? How many aliens were walking around like this guy was? I needed to deep dive when I got home. I had proof aliens werereal.Giddiness soared through my body.

Chapter 25



Chloe was avoiding me again. She ran in, changed her clothes, and went for a hike. I really should go to the ship but I didn’t want to hear the ship complaining to me. It was already beeping me constantly with messages to give Chloe my knot. I couldn’t do that because it would hurt Chloe. There’s a reason it was only for my mate. The pheromones would change their chemistry just enough that they could and had to take a morynth’s knot, or that was my understanding of it.


You (and Chloe) wouldn’t feel this was if she weren’t your mate.

I rolled my eyes.


Did you pinpoint when my mating response was triggered?

A meme came across my phone. An image of a woman laughing and spitting over a mug was sent to me. I rolled my eyes again. The door slammed open.

“RIC! Oh, my god! I think I have proof of aliens on my phone!” Chloe screamed as she ran inside the door. As I stood, she rushed toward me, and we collided with a thud. Holding her close, I felt the rise and fall of her chest as she looked at me. Her mouth parted and my pheromones increased again.Frax.She was lovely. There was a fine sheen of sweat all over her body, but I wanted to be the cause of her sweating. She was so needy at lunch. I bet she needed more help. I wanted to see her on the bed again, craving my touch. My fingers touched her chin and her breathing increased. I needed to focus on what she had said. Aliens?

“What did you say?”

“I have proof of aliens?” She pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of what looked like a tan humanoid male, but a green byntor tail was peeking out from under his shirt. I could recognize my captain’s species tail from anywhere. I groaned.

“You said there were spaceships! Maybe one of them is his!” she said.

“It’s not.”

Her eyebrows furrowed as her mood shifted. “What do you mean it’s not? He had a tail. Humans don’t have tails. Well, not all of them. Occasionally, maybe. He was with a woman and they were acting weird, though! He called hermate!”

“I think you’ve been reading too many books,” I replied. Something broke inside when I had to lie to her.

Chloe’s face fell. Her mouth fell open as her eyes widened. “Fuck you to hell then!” Chloe turned on her heels and stomped to her room.

I regretted saying that to her, but I couldn't risk her finding out about more stuff that could land her in trouble later. The frown on my face deepened as I approached her room. I knocked on the door. “Chloe, are you hungry?”

I heard a huff behind the door and a sigh. “I guess.”

“I made you dinner,” I replied.

“Did you burn something?”

“I looked up how to use kitchen appliances this week.”

The door opened. Her face was stoney as she breezed past me. “How did you survive without knowing how to operate a toaster?”

“Luck?” I muttered behind her. In reality, it was replicators and a mother that had no interest in cooking like primitives.

“What did you cook?”