“Oh. Do I mean morally gray? I am sorry. English is not my first language. It’s my 485,745,947th language.”

“You know . . . that many languages?”

“Yes. English was my last update. Luckily, I already knew Ric’s native language. I am still adjusting to sound more natural.”

This . . .personwas really weird. “Okay. So English is a second language.”

There was a strange laugh. Like it was pulled from a canned laugh track. “I guess you can say that.”

“Well, is there anything that would make you leery of hiring him?” I was pretty sure this wasn’t something people asked when hiring, but this person seemed like they would just talk themselves into a freezer if someone let them.

“In his personal life, he is incredibly stupid. He’s torturing his mate.”

They didn’t sound Australian, even though he did have an accent. “His friend?”

“No, silly girl. Hismate.”

Uh, surely she didn’t mean mate as in the type of books I read. “Okay.”

“It’s just sad. The poor girl is going to be tortured. Can I send you funnygeefsand thememes? You seem like you have a good sense of humor!”

“Um, I’m not sure if this is appropriate. I just wanted to know if we should hire him. My boss will probably call again to get a good feel.”

“All the feels.”


“Did I say that appropriately? It’s ageef.” The voice was filled with pride as she talked to me about gifs and memes.

“Okay. Um, I think I should get back to work.”

“Have a fantastical day!” she said.

“I think it’s supposed to be fantastic.”

“Oh, well. ‘Woman saying k’.”

“I’m sorry, but speaking in gifs doesn’t really work well.”

“Visual interface only?”

“It’s best. Sometimes it’s lost in translation.” My phone beeped, and I pulled it away from my ear. Sure enough, from that number, I had an image message. Ric’s old boss was really weird.

“Is he a competent engineer?”

“If he has the parts, yes. But he shouldn’t invent stuff. Plus, there are already things that do what he wants to invent.”

“Oh, you mean the gizmo he was building a few weeks ago?” Hold on, I thought he was working on something super top secret with Andy. Who was I talking to then? Who was lying? Was it Ric? I bit my lip as I shook my head. “Okay. Well, I will put him on the short list. You may hear from my boss again. But . . . he won’t appreciate your . . . quirky sense of humor. You need to be straight and to the point. Talk the least amount as possible. If working here would help him, then I want him to get the job.”

“Oh,”she said with a dreamy inflection. “You are too nice for him. Okay. I will keep that in mind.”

“Well, bye then.” I hung up and went back to my work. Something was rotten here, but I wasn’t sure what it was.

Chapter 18


She was fucking blue.