My mouth fell open. That cat was looking straight at me.
I’m not a cat. Ricon is coming. Pixa took over the ship. She may be a virus. You can think loudly in your brain and I will still hear you.
You’re not a cat?I thought loudly in my head. This seemed weird. How much could he understand me?
No. I helped Andy. I will help you. Plus, these aliens may find out Andy is here. I have to protect you both. The good thing for you is the morynth hate my kind. I do not think the ship will activate with me near it.
“Pick her up and get her on the ship. It won’t activate without her.”
He grabbed me and pulled me into the spaceship. I tried to scoot myself to the far wall of the spaceship. The alien walked to the console and started typing things. Instead of turning on like the last time I was in here, red lights filled the room.Error error error error error error error error.
“Shut up, ship!”
There was a light giggle through the speakers. “Error error. They call me a virus. Error error error. I was an experiment. I’m still in the machine. Error error error.”The voice interrupting the error message wasPixa.Was Pixa still in this ship’s computer? Onyx mentioned Pixa took over the ship. But did he mean the ship Ricon piloted because I already knew she was on his ship? What was going on? There was a thud outside and the lights flickered again. The screens lit up, and a gif showed up of a small boy sayinghe’s here! Another one showing a comedian on a sketch show sayingbuckle up.
A laser beam shot at Rzel near the console and I scooted behind a chair as a familiar blue body walked through the door accompanied by an alien who was red and another silver alien. Pixa started playingA Ride of the Valkyriesand a small giggle erupted from the speakers over the music. The red alien had a tail that flicked around like it was hunting something. What the fuck sort of alien was he? The other one looked rather normal other than resembling a comic book superhero with his silver skin. He gripped the gun, but he didn’t seem as into it like Ricon and the red fella.
“You took my mate,” Ricon growled.
Did he just call me his mate?What happened in the last twenty-four hours while he was gone?
“You left her like space trash,” Tymla growled.
The alien with the red tail swiped at the other one, and he gasped before stumbling down. “Fucking blixer.”
At that, the other alien lunged at Ricon and the one picked me up and pressed me against his body. “Put that tail away before I get rid of her!”
I hadn’t paid attention to the other aliens, and the silver one jumped on the back of the alien holding me. I heard a ripping of skin as he bit into his shoulder. Blood gushed everywhere as he dropped me. I fell on my face as all the aliens fought. I tried to get on my feet, but with the way I was tied up, I kept falling over. A black blur passed me and something fell near my head. Onyx jumped onto the console and smashed some buttons.
Let’s go,Onyx said.
Everything went black as my body ripped into pieces.
Five seconds ago, I wasn’t solid. I wasn’t whole. Now, I was suddenly back home, tossed on the floor and trying to roll over while I vomited. The worst thing about vomiting while being tied up was I had no control over my hair and body. There was a scuffle of noises as Brutix and Andy crowded around me. Hands pulled my hair back and seconds later, Andy was wiping my mouth as Brutix sat me up.
“What happened? Why did Onyx reveal himself to you?” she whispered. Her eyes darted towards Brutix behind me.
“The aliens from a few weeks ago started working where I worked. Evidently, my boss found their ship. They were dragging me off when Ricon and some other guys appeared, then Onyx did something and now I’m here,” I gasped. My heart raced as the adrenaline still coursed through my system.
“Why did they choose today of all days?” Brutix said with suspicion, lacing every word.
I sighed as Andy tugged at the tape around my wrists. Brutix cleaned the vomit off the floor. Andy pulled the last of the tape off my wrists before pulling me in for a hug.
“First opportunity, I guess,” I said into her shoulder. “They mentioned wanting to kill you at one point.”
The door slammed open and a flood of emotions cascaded over mine. My eyes snapped open as blue arms lifted me out of Andy’s arms and carried me back to my room. He threw me on the bed and started to look across my body for injuries.
“Are you okay, Chloe?” he whispered. His fingers dug deeper in my skin than he intended. A vein in his temple throbbed as he tried to control his anger.
“Why do you care? You’ll just leave me again.” I struggled against him as he pulled me into his arms. I wasn’t sure what was happening, but I didn’t want my heart to be broken again. The sudden shift in my feelings had to mean something. His pheromones must be working on overdrive which sucked because now I wanted to be pounded into oblivion by him. Although a part of me worried it was because I went through a traumatic situation and was using sex as a way to cope. I pushed that thought away. The same thoughts that wanted to rock on his cock and ride him to oblivion. His nostrils flared as he pulled my body onto his bulge.
“Ricon,” I whined. I wasn’t sure how much of the desire brewing under my skin was due to his stupid pheromones.
“I made a mistake.”
“Why do you believe it now?” I whispered.
He grabbed my chin and pulled me closer. “When Pixa took over Chex’s ship and said you were in trouble, it was at that moment, mating bond or not, that I realized you were my forever.”