“How do you know that?”
“I feel it. I see it. You can't feel it because of Ric.” His stare into the tablet creeped me out.
“I guess. But Andy can't read emotions over the phone or screen.”
Another barking laugh. “Hybrids can have different abilities. This one's talent is sex. Andy’s is empathy. The third quality is coercion.”
He grinned. “Some planets were ruled by despots who used hybrids to control their subjects. They aren’t banned, but other species mating with a mynyun is discouraged. I don't know. I think some mynyuns have ideas that they are trying to good by creating one. Humans,” he tapped the screen, “seem to make delicious mynyun hybrids.”
“So what happens if you have one like Andy?”
“Registration, tracking device, potentially guards.”
“In case they are snatched.”
“Sounds . . . not good.”
“Being tracked? Monitored all the time? Then there’s the lack of freedom and autonomy.”
He shrugged and leaned back. “It’s the way of the universe. Protects everyone.”
“These hybrids are a danger?”
“If you get the right one, install them on a planet, you can create a war. It’s happened before. It can happen again.”
I shook my head as I took my plate to the sink. “Well I don't trust it. Are you telling me Andy has bodyguards and a tracking device?”
“She’s the next leader of the universe. Of course she does.”
So many lies and secrets over the last few weeks. My shoulder slumped as I scrubbed my plate. A few tears dripped down my cheek. “Chloe, why are you weeping?”
I frowned as I stacked the clean dishes on the rack. “My best friend kept such a huge thing from me and I am just exhausted from all the horniness because my mate keeps denying me.”
“It is sad. I would say you would get over it but you won’t. You’ll die.”
Great. Death by horniness.
Chapter 43
The ship is almost fixed, but I couldn’t figure out how to steal the last component from the lab. I trudged into my bedroom only to see Chloe naked face down on my bed with a dildo in her hand. I must have been so tired that I missed her scent from the hallway.
“What are you doing Chloe?” I rasped.
She stopped her ministrations with the dildo and sagged into the bed for a second. Her ass looks so tempting perfectly framed in the middle of the bed. “I just thought if I got in your bed maybe . . . maybe I could . . . But it’s not working. Please, just give me your knot.”
“Chloe, it is not that simple.”
She flipped her body around and pulled the dildo out. “How is it not?”
“You’re a human. You won’t understand.”