After the high-school kids set down their things, they gathered protectively around my niece. Eavesdropping on their conversation, I soon found out why and my blood pressure spiked.

“A La Rasa girl slammed your hand in your locker?” Aghast, I wedged myself into the group surrounding Claire.

“Yeah.” My niece ducked her head.

“Belinda’s been a problem since day one for Claire,” Missy told me.

It must be said that I liked Missy. She was loyal to Claire but pragmatic. Knowing my niece was being bullied wasn’t something that needed to be kept secret.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” I narrowed my eyes on Claire.

“I didn’t want Mom to worry.” Claire lifted pleading eyes to me. “Please don’t tell her. There’s nothing to be done. I need to handle it. I’m not a snitch. I know how things work in Southside.”

I thought that over. She might be bullied even more if her mother and I got involved. So, unfortunately, I reached the conclusion that she was right to handle this on her own. For now, at least.

Giving Claire a serious look, I said, “You’re gonna have to make sure she respects you.”

“I know.” Claire nodded with a determined expression.

“Get the word out at school that your friends support you.”

I glanced at Missy and Chad, and they stepped closer to my niece.

I didn’t like the situation, but I liked that she had friends who supported her. That accounted for a lot in Southside, even with La Rasa Prima involved.

“And we aren’t all she has,” Missy said, looping her arm around Claire’s.

Right, Claire’s guy.He’d be here soon, I imagined. I definitely wanted to meet him.

“I’m going to the kitchen. I’ll get you an ice pack for your hand.”

“Thanks, Aunt Addy,” Claire said, lifting her chin.

Stepping through the swing door, I set the part I’d bought for the freezer on the counter. I had some repair skills and would have to swap it out later.

I located the ice pack and loaded it with ice. When I returned, I gave it to Claire. She and her friends were talking. Not wanting to interrupt, I left them to it.

Not sure if I’d locked my SUV, I went out to the parking lot. While I was outside, I decided to walk the perimeter of the property, just in case Bob or the security cameras had missed something.

Relieved that everything appeared to be in order, I stepped back inside, using the front door again. My eyes weren’t adjusted from the brightness outside, but I could make out a silhouetted couple in an embrace by the table my niece had been at earlier.

“Ahem.” I cleared my throat.

As my eyes adjusted, I saw that it was Kyle with Claire. He was facing me. Claire had to spin around to look at me. It hit me fast that my niece’s boyfriend was Collin and Miranda’s son, and it knocked the breath out of me.

“Sorry, Aunt Addy,” Claire said quickly. “I forgot—”

The blood drained from my face. Seeing Kyle and Claire together whisked me to the past. They looked just like Collin and me. The floor tilting beneath me, I swayed.

“Whoa.” Kyle moved fast. “I have you.”

Taking my arm, he led me to a chair. With a sigh, I collapsed into it.

“Thank you, Collin. I mean, Kyle. Of course you’re not your dad. Sorry I overreacted. It was a bit of a shock. I wasn’t expecting to see you with my niece.”

With Bob, Kyle, and Barry back, and Rachel and Claire living with me, it was like the clock rewinding in a major way.

“You two together,” I said, trying to explain without making myself look like a freak. “It’s like looking into the past.”