BARRY THE BIG SEXY BEAST EVANS: Wish I could see you tonight.

ADDY: I work until 3am.

BARRY THE BIG SEXY BEAST EVANS: I understand. Owning your own business is tough.

ADDY: In Southside, tougher than most. I’m reaching the front of the line. I’d better go.

BARRY THE BIG SEXY BEAST EVANS: Maybe I’ll stop by your place later.

ADDY: No. Please don’t.

My phone rang, and I answered it.

“Why not?” Barry asked in lieu of a greeting.

Why, indeed.

I bit down on my lip. There were a lot of reasons. Martin watching the club and finding out about Barry was at the top of the list. Plus, my business was my business. I was Addy, the bartender and owner. Reserved and distant.

But I felt different with Barry. Lighter and freer. I liked being that Addy, and I didn’t want to lose her or share her with anyone else.

“I’m busy at work. I’m sure you understand.”

“You want to keep us secret.”

“Yes. We just reconnected, and I enjoy spending time with you. I don’t want to share that with anyone else.” I spoke in a rush, giving him my feelings truthfully, even though it wasn’t all the truth. “Is that not okay with you?”

“It might be, if you agree to spend more time with me tomorrow.”

I smiled. “I can do that. I thought I did do that.”

“Okay, good. Just making sure.”

I could hear the grin in his voice and wished I could see it, see him right now.

“But, Addy, just so you know, keeping us secret will have to change eventually.”

He ended the call, and I’d reached the front of the line, so I tried to set aside thoughts about Barry. But they didn’t stay to the side.

• • •

“What’s up with you?” Rachel asked as I set down the box of napkins next to where she was rolling silverware.

“What do you mean?”

She arched a brow. “You were humming under your breath.”

“Was I?” I cocked my head to the side, and she nodded.


“I didn’t realize.”

“Something’s changed.” Studying me, she narrowed her eyes. “You’re brighter, glowing like an LED replacement for an incandescent bulb.”

Unconsciously, my hand came up to my mouth.

Her eyes widened with realization. “The gym guy kissed you.”