“Morning,” I said in return and stopped at my treadmill.

He leaned in. “How’d you sleep?” he murmured, his warm breath a tempting gust that stirred fine wisps of hair near my ear.

“Terrible,” I said, unable to hide the shiver that rolled through me.

“Me too.” He captured my ponytail. Curling his fingers around its width, he followed the length of it, sliding his hand to the end. “I had those kinds of dreams about you. Made me hard and frustrated all night.”

He tugged firmly once, and my scalp and other parts of me tingled.

“What?” I turned to face him more fully. Maybe I hadn’t misunderstood after all.

“You heard me.” His eyes heavily hooded, he fingered the earbud resting against my neck. The skin his fingers met heated, and it wasn’t the only part of me. “Have a good workout.”

“You too,” I said and licked my dry lips.

“Oh, I will.” His gaze dipped to my mouth. My lips tingled from his regard, then burned when he slowly stroked across my bottom lip with his thumb. “Pretty gloss.”

“Thanks,” I whispered.

“Let’s see how it tastes.” He brought his thumb to his mouth, and my stomach did a flip as I watched his tongue dart out. “Pineapple. My favorite fruit. You remembered.”

Yeah, I did. It was the reason I’d chosen that gloss in the first place. Thinking about him and wondering what he was doing in some far-off tropical place.

I shrugged as if my selection weren’t a big deal. “I just grabbed what was there.”

“You weren’t wearing gloss yesterday.”

Busted. Again.

“My lips were dry.” Currently, there was nothing about me dry. With him staring at me and his heated scent swirling around me, I was dewy and very warm.

“Sure they were.” His chiseled lips curved on one side as he smirked. “I’ll just be over there if you need me.” He hooked his thumb over his wide muscular shoulder. His skin glistened from my gloss.

“I know where the weights are,” I mumbled testily. “And I won’t need you.”

“I think you do. And just try not to glance this way.” His voice lowered. “I dare you.”


“I’ll look at you. I like to look at you. Admit you like to look at me too,” he said, pushing and challenging me like he’d done when we were younger.

I nodded, taking another quick scan. He wore a tank again, this one teal blue and not loose. The color was gorgeous on him, accentuating the deep brown of his eyes. The material clung to his pecs, kissing each ridge of his abs, and there were a lot of them.

I skimmed his lower half and his black cutoff sweats faster than his top. He wasn’t lying about being hard. He was thick too. My mouth parted.

He laughed low, and I raised my gaze to find both sides of his mouth curved.

“Straight up, I think you’re beautiful, Addy, and I’ve always thought so. Your smokin’ curves, we talked about yesterday. Today, I want to also mention your striking greenish-blue eyes, your cute pert nose, and that tempting as hell little divot in your chin.” He blew out a heated breath.

I cocked my head. “Are you trying to seduce me?”

“Is it working?”

“Yeah.” I nodded slowly, apparently in a Barry-induced daze. “But—”

“We’ll get on to your fascination with my ass later.”

I blinked away the daze and blushed.