Alone in the dark

Missing a spark

Dreaming and wanting


Dare to survive

To keep hope alive

It’s not a riddle

No mystery in time

I know the answer

You were made to be mine

Love is on fire

Burning desire

A flame burning bright

To light up the night

You are my meaning

No longer just dreaming

I’m wide awake

I’m yours to take

It’s not a riddle

No mystery in time

I know the answer

You were made to be mine

“Did you write that for Dad?” Claire asked when Rachel finished singing.

“No, for Addy.” Rachel set the brush down. They were on the couch together. While she’d been singing, she’d been combing out Claire’s wet hair. “I didn’t love anybody at the time.”

“Addy told me that it was only Dad for you.”

“I had affection for a few,” Rachel said. “But I never gave my heart to anyone but your dad.”

“And for Addy, was it only Collin?” Claire asked.

“It was. And it was Collin for Addy too, even after he was with Miranda, but by then it was too late.”


When Claire asked the obvious follow-up question, I cringed at Rachel’s answer.