“Fair enough.” He dipped his head and returned to the stove.
“Thanks,” I muttered. “I appreciate the ads. Obviously, they worked. But my business is my business. I don’t know what all your lay of the land involved, but you should know I took online classes. I have a degree in business management. I need to run Footit’s my way. We’ve talked about trust. In bed, I very much like you taking control and following your lead. However—”
“Whoa.” Tommy rubbed the back of his neck. “I didn’t realize it was so late.” He shoveled in his last bite of food and stood. “I’d better go.”
“I’m sorry.” I touched his arm in apology. “I didn’t mean to run you off.”
“You’re fine. Better than fine. Like Pop says, he wants you here, so I want you here too. When he’s happy, I’m happy. But I’m going to let you guys work out the specifics of that happiness just the two of you.”
He took his plate to the sink, rinsed it off, and dried his hands. “See you guys later.”
He headed for the door, grabbing a leather jacket from a hook on the wall before he exited.
Barry came and sat down beside me.
Staring at the door, I said, “Your son’s wise.”
“I’d like to say he got that from me, but I haven’t been so wise in this. I’m sorry. You’re right. Footit’s is yours to manage as you see fit.”
My gaze came back to him. Like the rest of me, it seemed to gravitate to him when he was near.
“I acknowledged you having strength last night. But I realize I need to show you that I believe in your strength too. So, I’ll shut the ads down. Okay?”
“Thank you.” My lips flattened. “And about moving in together ...”
“Not negotiable.” His fisted hand came down on the table like a gavel, rattling the plates and silverware. “You’re not safe in that apartment. You carry my heart and yours inside your chest. I want you here where I can protect you.” Concern and something dark, fear maybe, swirled in his eyes. “Martin won’t hurt you again. He can’t touch a hair on your beautiful head. I won’t allow it.”
“I understand.” I covered Barry’s hand with mine. “But with you telling me what to do, we’re right back to you not respecting my strength again.”
“This is different. You know it as well as I do.” He gave me a firm look. “You said yourself not to underestimate him, and I won’t. But he’d better not underestimate me. He’s owed retribution, and he will get it, I assure you.”
An icy shiver went down my spine. I believed him.
“Here,” he said, “I have a state-of-the-art security system, and he has to get through me to get to you.”
“Noted.” I nodded.
“Do you not want to be here?” he asked.
“I do. Wherever you are, I want to be. It’s just the circumstances.” I twisted my lips. “I don’t like my trouble becoming your trouble.”
“That’s the way it is in a relationship.”
“Yes, I agree. But I’ve had zero experience with that.” All I knew was betrayal from Collin and being owned by Martin.
I stroked my thumb over Barry’s skin, and his fisted fingers on the tabletop loosened. “And there’s also Rachel and Claire to consider.”
“They can stay here too.”
“No, I couldn’t,” I said. “They wouldn’t.”
“I think they would. Ask Rachel.”
“Okay. But where would they sleep?”
“The sofa in here folds out. The music room doubles as a guest room. It has a day bed and a trundle. They could sleep in there together if they wanted to, or separately.”
“Okay. I’ll ask.”