“My pleasure, darlin’.” I studied her for a beat. “You look like Addy, but more like your mom. Your eyes are your dad’s.”

“Did you know my dad?” she asked, sitting up straighter.

“Yeah.” I nodded. “He was a good guy. I’m sorry for your loss.”

She teared up, and Missy reached across the table. Grabbing her friend’s hand, she squeezed it.

“Sorry.” Claire sniffed back emotion. “It still hits me hard.”

“I’ll bet it does.” My heart swelled as I watched Missy and Claire interact. “Addy and Rach used to be close like you two. Or they were before Skellin and his sister came along and got between them.”

“Martin Skellin?” Claire sat up straighter.

Seeing the concern in her gaze, I wondered how she knew about him.

“Yeah, Martin.” I scowled. “That rich, entitled, piece-of-shit prick.”

Claire’s eyes widened. Obviously, she didn’t know as much as I thought if that assessment surprised her.

My hands forming fists, I decided to educate her. “Asshole glommed onto ABCR when they started taking off, and zeroed in on Addy. Wanted her. Did whatever the fuck it took to get her, even though he busted up a shit-ton of lives.” Noting the concern on Claire and Missy’s faces, I dialed back the intensity. “Sorry. I don’t like the dude, and I hear he’s just as big an asshole now.”

“He is,” Claire said firmly.

“Enough about him,” I said. He wasn’t going to be a problem for Addy anymore, or this next generation either. I would see to it. “So, you guys started a band tonight?”

Claire nodded.

“What are you gonna call yourselves?” I asked.

Tommy shrugged. “I dunno.”

I grinned. “Might want to figure that shit out before you go onstage.”

Because if they didn’t, knowing Addy, she would figure it out for them.


This was it, the time to finally come clean.

My gaze glued to the windshield, I watched Barry open the back door to Pho B and come toward me.

He looked gorgeous. His hair was pulled back, the length doubled over and held by an elastic band. A crisp white tee was molded to his broad shoulders and his sculpted chest. Black sweats hung low on his narrow hips. On his feet were black UGG slippers with white stitching around the ankles. In other words, he looked delicious.

I turned my head, following him as he strode to my door and opened it like he couldn’t wait another minute to have me in his arms. I couldn’t wait to be in them, except for the secret I had to share.

“I missed you.” He pulled me out of my seat, and my wristlet with my driver’s license and what-not went with me. “What took you so long? Did you stop by your place to get your things?”


I hadn’t stopped by my place, but I did sit in my SUV at Footit’s to text Rachel to let her know where I was going and who I would be with, then sat and pondered a million different ways to tell Barry that I had a daughter.

None of the million ways seemed right. All ended with him being justifiably horrified.

What kind of woman gave up her child? One like me. One like his ex-wife, who gave up the opportunity to be with an awesome son like Tommy.

“What’s wrong?” Barry smoothed his large warm hands up and down my spine. “You’re tense as fuck.”

“I want to be here. You know I do. I love you, but I’m afraid what I have to share might change that.”