Nodding, I pulled the lapels of Rachel’s denim jacket together over my chest as Andy and Collin threw their arms around my sister in front of me. Walking toward the entrance, Rachel was bookended by two good-looking seniors. My younger sibling had far more game than I did.

The anticipatory butterflies ceased fluttering and took a nosedive to the pit of my stomach. Disappointed, I shuffled along behind the trio, forgotten.

“Let me take your coat.” Collin moved in front of me inside Winston’s small roped-off VIP section.

“Sure.” I turned so he could slide Rachel’s denim jacket off my shoulders. A shiver rolled through me as the guitar-roughened calluses of his fingers grazed my skin.

When I turned back around to face him, he wasn’t hanging up the jacket on a nearby hook like he had for Rachel a moment before. He was staring at me.

“Fucking hell, you look hot. I mean nice.” Collin’s eyes were wide, glowing like a new moon in the low-lit area. “Maybe you should keep your jacket on. You might get cold.”

“I’m okay,” I lied. Wearing the too-small bandeau top that clung to my breasts, I felt exposed, and had to resist crossing my arms over my chest.

“Maybe you are.” After hanging my jacket on the hook, he raked his ringed hand through his midnight-black hair. “But not sure the rest of us will be okay with you wearing that.”

“What do you mean?” My skin tingled as his starlight gaze swept over me.

“Because you’re too se—” Cutting himself off with a sigh, he gestured to the couch where Rachel and Andy were sitting. “Never mind. Have a seat, Addy.”

“All right.”

Skirting the circular metal coffee table, I moved where he’d indicated. My sister took my hand as soon as my butt hit the black vinyl. Collin moved to take a seat on the couch opposite us. It seemed like he wanted some distance between us.

“This is nice,” Rachel said, cutting into the awkward silence that followed.

The popular club with its concrete floor, exposed ductwork, and minimalistic black-and-silver color scheme was crowded. A steady murmur of voices accompanied the recorded music pouring into the space from strategically placed speakers, but in the VIP section, it seemed less loud than it had been on the main level.

I glanced around. “Seats in this section must cost a lot.”

Our elevated area afforded prime sight lines to the raised stage. Around us were at least ten double-couch seating groups like ours, and they were all filled. The VIP section even had its own bar. It was smaller than the main one that ran the entire length of the lower level, but the ebony countertop, hammered-steel side panels, and cool blue up-lighting were the same.

“How’d you manage to get us up here?” I asked.

“The owner owes my dad a favor,” Collin said, shifting as he averted his gaze.

“That’s what got us in the door free.” Andy leaned back and stretched his arms across the back of the couch. “It’s the owner’s sister having a thing for Collin that got us up here.”

“Don’t get too comfortable,” Collin said, glancing around. “It’s only for tonight. Martin doesn’t like Miranda giving away freebies.”

“Don’t be paranoid. Martin’s not here tonight, and I plan to enjoy myself.” Andy draped his arm around my sister’s shoulders. “You should relax too.” He gave Collin a pointed look. “You have what you wanted, yeah?”

Collin glanced at me. “Sure, but ...”

“No buts.” Andy stood. “You girls thirsty?”

“I could use a water,” I said.

Rachel scooted closer to me. “Water would be great.”

“Okay, I’m on it.” Andy hooked his thumb toward the bar. “The waitress should come by soon and bring us a bucket of bottled ones on ice, but with a crowd this big, that might take a while. I’ll grab us some to tide us over.”

“So,” Rachel said, looking at Collin as Andy moved away. “Do you come into Winston’s often?”

“A fair bit,” Collin said, then glanced at the stage as the recorded music stopped and a tech appeared to do a sound check.

Taking advantage of his distraction, I stared. Collin’s strong nose and steely jaw were as compelling as the rest of him.

Shifting his attention back to us, he caught me staring. I blushed as his eyes held mine, feeling more than just physically exposed with his silver gaze seeming to see right through to my soul.