“And that you seem to be privy to my thoughts.” A crease marring his brow, he entered the room and came straight to me without even acknowledging Rachel. “I need to talk to you.”

“I can’t.” I shook my head. “I need to get back upstairs. Martin said—”

“I don’t care what Martin says.” Barry cut me off, his tone as sharp as his expression. “I need to talk with you right now. Privately.”

“I’ll leave you two alone and go to our lovely bedroom.” Moving closer, Rachel placed her hand on my arm and pressed a soft kiss to my cheek. “Don’t go with Martin, Addy.” She exchanged a look with Barry. “You don’t have to do what he says.”

Barry closed the door after she left the room. “She’s right.”

“She’s wrong.” I shook my head as he turned and came toward me.

“Was that the guardianship paperwork you guys needed in her hand?” Barry asked, stopping only a few inches away from me. Close enough to feel his warmth, but not close enough.


“So, what has he got that you need, huh? Nothing,” Barry said, answering his own question before I could even attempt to. “Let’s go.” He grabbed me by the arms and pulled me into him. “Right now. You and me, and Rachel. This is bullshit, this power you think he has over you.”

“It’s not bullshit.” Frustrated tears filled my eyes. “He has a bodyguard. Power. Influence. Allies. An army of people willing to do whatever he wants.”

And he had Rachel here under guard. Plus, I owed him, until he decided I didn’t owe him anymore.

“That’s what this is about.” Barry squinted his chocolate-brown eyes at me. “You’re afraid of him.”

“I’m not. Not for what he can do to me.”

“You think you’re protecting us from him,” he spat. “Addy, this has to stop. We’re not your children. We can take care of ourselves.” Barry lifted me onto my toes, looking at me as if he couldn’t decide whether to shake me or kiss me. “Let someone take care of you for a change. Let me.”


Although, I wanted him to. I wanted to taste Barry’s lips, but I had to do the right thing and tried to tug my arms free. But as he tightened his hold, I struggled harder because I had to, not because I wanted to. I wondered if I would ever forget this feeling, the warm comfort I felt whenever he held me. It was Barry, not Collin or Martin who really had power over me.

The door crashed open, and Barry and I jumped apart. Arturo strode into the room, his cousin Dimitri right behind him. I’d forgotten the cameras, a stupid move on my part.

“Addy,” Arturo barked. His bodyguard and me, Martin had two dogs working for him. “Get upstairs. Now. Boss wants you.”


I tucked a long strand of my hair that had broken free from my ponytail like I wished I could break free from Martin, but there was no escaping him. I had no plan, no negotiating points, no bargaining chip that I could see. For now, he called, and I went.

I started to skirt around Barry. There was a lot of Barry to skirt around, but he snagged my hand.

“Don’t do this,” he said, his pleading gaze boring into mine. “Don’t go.”

“I have to. And so should you.” I made eye contact with Arturo. “He’s just a friend. Nothing happened.”

I was Martin’s prize. He didn’t want his prize tarnished by anyone else.

Arturo shook his head. “Guys can’t be friends with a girl.”

“This one is,” I said. “He means something to me. They all do.”

Even if they turned their backs on me. Even if they—Barry—went to LA, and I never saw them again. Even if I had to pretend to turn my back on them.

In reality, I wouldn’t. Somehow, I would figure out a way to protect my sister, secure her future, and convince Martin to hire ABCR back.

This was more than just a battle. With the stakes as high as they were, it was a war.

“Sit,” Martin ordered when I arrived at his office.