“He’s not worth your time, my darling,” Martin murmured.

Staring at me now, he smirked, a self-satisfied smile as cool as my buried emotions. He had secured his prize.

His fingers fastening around my upper arm, he gestured to the couch. “Sit.”

Like a dog, his little bitch, I sat. Though there was plenty of room, he sat directly beside me. His solid hip in his all-weather wool slacks pressed against me as he beckoned a nearby waitress.

“Two glasses of Don Pérignon.”

“Yes, sir.” She scurried off.

I frowned. “I don’t like champagne,” I said, although I’d never had it. I rarely drank, didn’t like the floaty way it made me feel. Plus, I couldn’t plan if I were inebriated. I had my wall, but I also needed my wits about me.

“You haven’t tried this one. You haven’t tried a great many things that you will enjoy.” Martin ran his fingers along the bare skin of my arm. On their way to my shoulder, his knuckles skimmed the side of my breast. “I’ll soon remedy that lack of experience, I assure you.”

I tried to tell myself that I didn’t feel anything. That my breast didn’t swell, that my nipple didn’t tighten at his touch. My body was a traitor, and I didn’t like it. At all.

Well into their set, the band began a new song I’d heard them playing while dressing. Only a few more songs remained. They’d won back the good graces of the crowd. They sounded good, except for Collin’s flub.

I’d acknowledged that they didn’t need me to be a success. Yet who else but me had Martin’s ear? The RDA contract wasn’t signed. There might only be four signature lines on the contract as Martin had pointed out, but as Rachel’s guardian, one of those lines would be mine.

I might be all alone, on my own, owing a debt I didn’t want to owe. But I did have some power. Power only I recognized, but power that both ABCR and my sister needed.

While the band played, I racked my brain, trying to come up with something I could use to negotiate with.

But I couldn’t focus with Collin glaring and my sister frowning whenever she glanced my way. Up on his riser, Barry appeared concerned, even though I’d told him to look after himself from now on.

“Excuse me.” Martin’s pretty assistant appeared. Looking nervous, she shifted her weight from one high-heeled pump to the other.

“Yes, Denise.” Martin peered up at her. “What is it?”

“You wanted me to let you know when a certain matter was taken care of.” Denise twisted her hands. “And it is.”

Martin’s gaze brightened. “Very good.”

“If there’s nothing else you need ...” Denise glanced at me before returning her gaze to him. “Then I’ll go home for the evening.”

“That will be all.”

Martin nodded curtly, and Denise left. The band finished their last number and the crowd began stomping their feet, wanting an encore.

“I’ll just go close out,” I said, starting to stand.

“You will do nothing of the sort.” Martin clamped his hand on my knee. “You have other more important duties tonight. A pressing matter to attend to.”

Capturing my hand, he brought it to the juncture of his thighs. Through the wool of his pants, I could feel him. His cock was thick and hard.

“Martin.” I licked my dry lips. We were at a pivotal point, and I had no plan. “I’m tired. I have a headache. It’s been a long, emotional night for me.”

“Which is it?” His gaze narrowed. “It can’t be all three.”

“It can.” And it was, though the cause of my headache was him.

“Those are excuses. Unsatisfactory ones. With you looking so delectable in that dress and the fact that I have fulfilled all the terms of our bargain, there are no excuses that matter. I dismiss them.”


“You’ll be accompanying me to my place tonight,” he told me, and my jaw dropped. “I’ve made all the necessary arrangements.”